two-moving around

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Two-Moving around

Her hands grip the box labelled 'memories'. She heaves it up and walks to her new apartment. Of course her parents live with her but she likes to call it her own.

She glances to her right and sees Peter. Carlson tries to wave but her hands are full. Instead she smiles at him and he smiles back till he notices the boxes.

Peter rushes over and helps her carry it to her room. She grins at him and stares at her mostly unpacked room proudly.

"It's amazing isn't it?"Carlson asks and Peter nods but he stays looking at her face.

Peters eyes admire her beautiful pump lips and her curly blonde hair. He notices the mini scar underneath her eyes and grins trying to not ask about it.

"So I guess we live across from each other then?"Carlson asks and raises an eyebrow.

She places her hands on her hips and looks up at him. Suddenly she hears her parents arguing again. As she goes to speak she hears a vase smash.

"NOT AGAIN,"She yells at her parents as she rushes out her room apologising to Peter on the way out.

Carlson drops to her knees and immediately starts picking the sharp glass up without thinking. Some of the glass stabs at her hands causing blood to ooze from a now pretty deep cut.

"Hey hey hey stop!"Peter says and takes her hands into his.

He leads her to the kitchen and he cleans up her hand. Peter puts a band aid over the cut and kisses her hand.

"All better?"Peter asks.

"All better,"Carlson blushes and averts her eyes in the other direction.

She brushes some hair out of her face and turns back to Peter. A frown places itself on her face.

"Can you stay over tonight?"She asks sheepishly.

"I know it sounds weird but all my friends are busy and I don't want to listen to them screaming at each other alone,"She admits and looks up at Peter with glossy eyes.

"Of course I will,"Peter smiles and looks at the time.

His eyes widen when he sees a fight, from the window, happening down the street. One person pulls out a gun.

"I'm sorry I can't stay over. I have to go now,"Peter says and runs of without an explanation.

"I guess I'm not good enough per usual,"Carlson mutters to herself.

Groggily, she walks to her room. She changes into her pyjamas and locks all the doors in the house. Carlson sees the time and decides to just go asleep.

She climbs under the covers and covers her ears. Her parents carry on screaming and she grabs her 'memories' box. She pulls out a picture of her and her once happy family. Carlson kisses the photo and falls asleep to the constant yelling.

Around three in the morning Peter shows up as spiderman. He climbs through the window and walks over to her. He notices her dried up tears and he wipes them away. Peter kisses her forehead and sighs.

"I've liked you since third grade,"Peter sighs. "And I know what you're going through."

Authors note:
How cute is this? I know it seems like it's going fast but trust me it's not. You will understand soon!

Now I hope you enjoy this trashy but cute chapter.

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