Angellapo (enjel-lapo)

21 3 12

So a while ago, my friend and I were talking about SO random things and unsuspectingly changing the subject every now and then.

Soon, I was somehow talking about a grandma who said, "Angel, apo, gusto mo ng fish?"

(translation: "Angel, grandkid, do you want fish?")

then an idea popped! What if I combined the "Angel" and "apo"?

Angellapo! Then me and my frind made our own meaning to it.

Angellapo - a new kind of spicy chili/pepper or a word to say when calling someone far away or just beside you OR a good/angelic grandkid.

And thus, angellapo was born! 💟😂

~The End~❤️❤️❤️❤️

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