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When I woke up the next morning my head was killing me and I let out a groan.

"Morning sunshine, I see you feel exactly how you look." 

I was confused for a little while, were I was and then when I saw the big rock on my finger it all came back to me. I laid right back into bed and put the covers back on and Moroi came and pulled them off and told me to get up.

"We have a big day ahead of us so we need to get moving and you need to shower. I'm sure a hot shower will have you feeling better in no time, and there is some coffee for you when you are done."

Moroi was really enjoying this, seeing me this way. I quickly took a shower and he had clothes out for me. I realized I hadn't packed anything so he probably had packed for me. There was a floral short jumpsuit with gold sandals and a kimono blouse. I quickly got dressed and had coffee. He was right the shower had made me feel a bit better. We were staying at the luxurious JW Marriot hotel. 

He had everything planned out on what we were going to do and he had booked us here for 2 weeks, enough time to try for kids without disturbances he said.

Firstly we were going to do a walk in the city taking in the beautiful buildings and do whatever it is tourists did, Then we were going to have many lunches and dinners as well as go to theaters and watch films.

We started by taking a 'romantic' leisurely stroll by the Piazza San Marco to feel the true scale of the enormous domes of the Basilica di San Marco or the beautiful and ornate details of Palazzo Ducale. I had no idea what it all was but the scenery was beautiful. Moroi didn't hesitate to tell everyone who cared enough to listen that we had just gotten married. One old couple thought it was so sweet that we got married at such a young age and that we should cherish our love forever like they did theirs. They had also gotten married at a very young age and they had been going strong for 56 years.

We spent the whole day walking around and stopped once or twice to grab something to eat. We even took a lot of photos and videos as to have something to show everyone when we got back.

"Are you enjoying?" Moroi asked.

"Yes," I answered softly, even though I knew I would rather have been at the railway tracks with Alex.

"Because you have been quiet the whole time, I wouldn't want my lovely wife to not be enjoying our honeymoon now would I."

"I really am fine Moroi, I am just taking in everything. This place really is beautiful and the wedding was beautiful. I am just overwhelmed trying to digest everything that has happened."

"Okay then, as long as you are not thinking about your ex I'm good." 

He was looking at me trying to study how I would react. That had become the only way he can tell what I was thinking. I knew this because before he could always read my mind but now since I had been getting new powers I could block him from reading it. And it frustrated him.

I acted surprised and I even threw in a little laugh. "Okay no I am not thinking of Alex, he is my past and right now I want to focus on my present and my future."

"Mhmmm okay," his eyebrow was raised and I could tell he didn't believe me. 

"Can I ask something or rather can I say something?" I asked him

"What?" he answered.

"Okay, I really fell for you when you were Moroi, before I knew you were Kuan. You showed me a side of you I always hope now was and is genuine and good. I want us to go back to that time when we were that close and we had those feelings for each other. But to go to that place we need to both make a few changes and compromises, yeah?"

"Okay, what do you suggest?"

"I think we should start over, not as Kuan and Pearl but as Johnson and Pearl. Let us leave everything that happened in the past be the past. You are married to me now Moroi so no more Danaes or Nias. 

I vowed to be faithful to you and I would expect the same from you. Another thing is I don't want you dictating everything in my life. We are partners now me and you, so every decision we make should be equally agreed. I also wanted to ask if 'they' can also not take part in our decision making. As much as they are immortal they should know we live in a real world so some things shouldn't be forced or rushed.

"Are we talking about the baby issue Pearl? because there we agreed that it would be now and I am not changing that.!"

"No I don't mean the baby issue but everything else Moroi. I didn't like what happened the last time. I don't want to live in fear okay?"

"It won't happen again if you do what I ask you. You are entitled to your own opinion but as long as you know you are my wife and like you said WE ARE PARTNERS in this, agreed?"

I nodded my head. After dinner we went back to the hotel and he took a shower whilst I bathed. We watched t.v and he fell asleep while I finished the movie. I never knew he could sleep but here he was breathing peacefully.

The next day we didn't do much, we stayed mostly in doors the whole morning then later on we went to an art gallery and for some food tasting. We got back to the hotel and Moroi requested we had dinner in our room and straight after that he rolled over and fell asleep.

It was almost a week and I was shocked that he hadn't touched me or tried to get me to sleep with him. Instead he always fell asleep early and then he would cuddle me till I fell asleep. He hadn't been aggressive towards me, I was starting to  genuinely enjoy myself. 

"I love you," he said and he kissed me. 

I was smiling and I kissed him back and told him I loved him too. 

"I want to take you somewhere tonight. I have organized a Gondola ride and I just want us to escape the sights and sounds of the city with a dreamy boat ride. So you are going back to the hotel now and take a quick shower. Wear something comfortable and warm. Then I will come get you in a few"

"Mhm, okay and where are you going.?"

" I can't say, I will ruin the surprise." Then he winked and left me at the hotel entrance.

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