Who is Alex?

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By the time i had finished saying those last words Alex's mouth was literally open and in shock. I didn't blame him. It all sounded like something from a movie. He moved a little away from me and then I started sobbing. He did not touch me nor did he comfort me, I knew he was trying to take it all in.  

"Ahem!" he finally said clearing his throat, " so you killed your ex-boyfriend and his girlfriend?" he asked. I just nodded, I mean duh that is what I had just said.

"Let me get this straight, you Pearl killed your ex and his new girlfriend as "revenge" for him dumping you?? How the hell are you not in jail or better yet a mental institution??? That is first degree murder, what did the police say??" 

Alex was going on and on, I could see his palms sweating and I could tell from his voice that he was confused angry and overwhelmed. Maybe that guy had been right, I shouldn't have told Alex. This was crucial information, although there was no evidence of foul play I was not going to last in an interrogation room. 

"You could just kill him" that voice at the back of my head came again "you know how much you have been craving him and this is your chance either him or your ass CHOOSE!" 

It was like Alex had heard my thoughts, he just turned looked into my eyes then he kissed me. I went numb the taste of his lips, his hands caressing my cheek.... I was confused.   

This was Alex, my guard was now up. Being with Kuan had taught me to be alert and this was one of those days I became alert.                                                                                                             

He pulled away still looking into my eyes and then he said he was sorry for reacting the way he did. He said he saw how it had affected me and since he was not in my shoes at the time he could not judge me. It was true, I basically was the victim here.                                         

 I was speechless I mean I would run for my life if someone had to tell me what I had just told him. With my experience with Kuan I had also learnt not to trust someone entirely, and as much as I was relieved he had calmed down, I was also scared that he had calmed down to that extent. 

" I love you Pearl, so much, and for you to tell me all this means you trust me. I am glad that you opened up to me . At least now I won't be cheating on you or leaving you because I know the consequences" he chuckled. 

Ohk, I thought to myself.. he had just made a joke now that was scary! Who is Alex I thought to myself. I still didn't say anything to him.

After a moment of silence he took my hand and we went to his car to take me home. In the car we did not say anything, we were listening to music and he would steal a peek in my direction and smiled. My heart was beating faster, I couldn't tell if it was excitement or if I was really worried. Maybe Alex had a loose screw in his mind, or he was just being nice till he dropped me off and then he was going to run for his life. This could be a survival mechanism.

When we got to my house my mom asked Alex to join us for dinner and he agreed. I couldn't believe it was that late already. We had a nice dinner, everyone was chatting, laughing and my brothers as always were teasing me. 

" You are awfully quiet tonight my angel" my dad said to me.. " I am fine papa" I managed to reply with a forced smile. Even though my parents could tell something was wrong, they knew when not to push it. How I loved them.. 

 After dinner Alex offered to help me with the dishes, and we chatted about random stuff and nothing about what we had talked about earlier. We were both avoiding that conversation. 

After that I walked him out to his car. He leaned on his car then pulled me into his arms. He looked me in my eyes and then he told me that what I had told him earlier had scared him, but from the time we met, there was always something about me he liked and that drew him to me, and because  of that he knew deep down I was a good person and an angel. The other thing he told me was to make up with my friend Talia. He said it was important and he was sure she would understand.

"You need a social life my love" he nudged me 

"and you need to be a normal young girl have  girl friends live a normal life and let the past be the past ok? " 

I still didn't say anything I just managed to nod then he kissed me on my forehead and he sped off in his car. I still felt that warmness and comfort from him and as much as it was nothing to worry about it still made me feel very uneasy. That very night I didn't dream of anything, no nightmares nothing, just a peaceful and restful night...

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