Unwillingly Attached

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It was snowy outside so mommy let me go out in the backyard and play for a while. I put my big coat, snow boats, hat, and scarf on then went outside. I picked up some snow in my hands and threw it around. This is SO boring! I heard yelling and people shouting that they're gonna get each other. I ran to my fence and looked through the little hole in the wood. I saw people having a big snowball fight so I decided to join! I but my foot on a little gap and tried to climb the fence. I fell back to the ground with a big thud. "Can I have some help Cayson?" I shouted to the air. I knew he was there. The wood broke, making a hole for me to fit through.

"Hey Edessa wanna play?" asked the boy that lives across the street from me. I nodded and he told me not to get hit by a snowball. I picked up snow just like mommy showed me and made it a big ball. I saw one of the neighborhood boys and threw it at him. I missed his head by a little bit. I stomped my foot in defeat and got more snow. I threw it at another boy and hit him. I jumped up and down laughing and smiling.

"Gotcha!" I heard someone say, as snow was shoved in my face. I couldn't really breath and I tried to tell him to stop. He let go of me and started to grab his throat. I knew what was going on.

"CAYSON STOP IT! STOP!" I shouted into the air. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but I just wanted him to stop it! My dad ran out of the house and shouted my name. The boy stopped choking and my dad grabbed my arm.

"Get in the house. NOW" He yelled at me. I put my head down and ran inside. "What were you thinking Edessa?!" he yelled more.

"IT WAS CAYSON!" I screamed back, covering my ears trying not to hear him yelling. 

"I'm sick and tired of hearing about this Cayson, boy!" I hear him through my ears. I squeezed harder on my ears so he would stop yelling. I ran to my room to get away from him, I shut my door and started crying.

"Cayson I thought we talked about this!" I shouted to him. I got no response, I never do, but I know he's there. He's always with me. I wish he would go away though.

*Third Person P.O.V*

"We need to take her back" Edessa's dad, Richard, tells Edessa's mom, Lisa.

"No we can't Richard. We agreed to take care of her! We can't just give up!" Lisa argued.

"We agreed to take care of a child not a monster that hurts everyone when she gets upset!" he retaliates. Lisa sat quietly not wanted to agree but not wanting to disagree either.

"How long is it going to be where we upset her and she turns on us Lisa?! Ever think of that?" Richard whispers, so he doesn't the sleeping 6 year old upstairs.

"Bu-" Lisa is interupted by Edessa's loud and terrifying screams.

"NO STOP, LET GO!" She yells in horror. Lisa and RIchard rush up the stairs to Edessa's door. 

"It's locked Richard!" Lisa panics. Richard puts his shoulder near the door and rams against it with no luck the first time.

"CAYSON HELP ME, MAKE THEM GO AWAY" Edessa screams. Richard slams against the door once more, with success they rush inside. Lisa goes to Edessa who is in the corner, with cuts on her body, tattered hair, and ripped clothes.

"Shhh it's ok. It'll be all over" Lisa whispers in her ear, hugging Edessa and swaying back and forth. Edessa backs away and looks at her parents.

"It'll never be over" 

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