Dylan had never gotten drunk before but he knew if he declined the offer things might go down badly.

"Sure," he said, "but it can't take too long, I have a... umm... friend that I have to get back to."

"Who is this friend perhaps," said the guy in the middle."Please tell us."

As the three guys led Dylan over to a bar, Dylan told them about Aveline, making up a story about how they've known each other for a long time and they were on a trip together. Dylan didn't trust these guys enough to tell them the truth. It was better this way. It would make them think he was a different person.

Their reactions were a bunch of cat calls and kissy faces that made Dylan profoundly annoyed.

They arrived at a bar that was only a four minute walk away from his hotel. The guy with blond hair that hadn't spoken directly to Dylan yet gave him a card and told him this would give him discounts on some of the drinks and a fake id. Dylan had no idea how he had gotten his picture but then remembered the guy they had passed on the street. He had passed something to the blond guy. Then the four of them entered.

There were people dancing everywhere. Women grinding on men in the chairs and couples making out in the corners. Dylan felt a bit crowded and gladly followed the three guys over to the bar where it was way less crowded.

The bartender set up four tabs and gave them a platter of shots, Dylan counted twenty four. The guys also bought eight beers, drinks on them, and they set off to an empty table.

Dylans heart was pounding, he had never done this before. The black haired guy gave him six of the shots and two of the beers. They had a contest to see who could chug one of the beers the fastest. Dylan warily joined in. The brown haired guy won, Dylan not far behind surprisingly. After he slammed the empty glass on the table, his head felt fuzzy, but not in a bad way. He started to forget his worries.

They took three of the six shots each, every one burning down Dylans throat and filling him with warmth. He completly forgot about why he was here or the fact that these men were strangers to him. Dylan laughed with them but was still careful enough to not tell them anything about wizards.

Once half the shots were gone, They drank the second beer, then proceeded in taking the last three shots. At that point, Dylan was swaying in his chair and his vision was filled with flashing lights and colors.

They continued to talk until a girl came over and asked if she could buy Dylan a drink. Dylan agreed and got up to follow her to the bar. When he got out of the chair, he almost fell over but caught himself on the table.

The girl laughed. "Wow, how drunk are you already?"

Dylan laughed hysterically in response and attempted to stand up strait.

This time he didn't need the support of the table but it was still difficult to walk. His head felt like it was surrounded in pillows and his legs felt nonexistent. He swayed and his first step was a failure. He fell face first into the girls boobs.

Instead of pushing him off like Dylan had expected, the girl helped support him and half dragged him over to the bar. Kissing Dylan on the cheek when they got there.

Dylan felt his face warm up and plopped himself in the nearest chair. The girl asked for the strongest drink they had and stared at Dylan while they waited. The bartender came back with two shots and told them it was Sierra Silver Tequila, one of the strongest drinks in the world.

The girl payed and they both took the shot. Dylan wasn't expecting the burn to fade away in a tickling sensation that made him want to squirm in his seat. The girl leaned over to kiss him and they made out for a while as the alcohol kicked in. Dylan felt guilty, with his mind on Aveline. What would she think of this? Would she be jealous? Did she even like him that way?

The shot slowly kicked in. When Dylan could feel a difference in his state, he suddenly got worried. Could he die if he drank too much? His worry went away quickly as his mind grew fuzzier.

After the girl told him she had to leave since her taxi was here, Dylan realized he should be getting back to the hotel. He stood up and fell flat on his face. His legs wouldn't hold him up at all so he pulled himself up using the chair. He searched for the three guys but they were nowhere to be found.

Dylan followed the wall so he would have support. He passed the table they had been sitting at and grabbed his bags from shopping. When he got to the door and stepped out, a cool, refreshing wave of air hit him. It felt nice on his skin that he hadn't even known was burning up.

Composing himself, Dylan slowly made his way in the direction of the hotel, keeping to the walls of the buildings.

He reached the hotel and was lucky enough to not have to cross the street. There was no one at the front desk but the digital clock read 3:30am. Dylan let go of the wall and stumbled across to the hallway where the stairs were. The first stair he took, he missed and fell, catching himself before his face hit the concrete stairs.

Instead of getting back up, Dylan just crawled up the stairs, dragging his drunk body up stair by stair. The room was on the fourth floor so by the time Dylan had dragged himself up the stairs and down the hallway, he was so tired he could barely think.

It took him ten minutes to open the door with the key card. He dropped his bags at he entrance. When he got inside his room, the first thing he saw was a girl lying down on the bed.

It took a second for Dylan to recognize her, but then remembered it was Aveline. She looked kind of cute while she was sleeping. Dylan staggered over to the bed and fell into it.

When he tried to pull the blankets over his body, Dylan somehow tangled himself in the blankets but he was too tired to care and fell asleep in an instant.

That's all! Hope you enjoyed it! I'd love feedback and what you think is going to happen next! To be clear, we aren't promoting underage drinking. It's just a factor of the story! Don't do it!

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