You Were Supposed to Come Home

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"Come on, Tiger," Jim called over his shoulder. "We haven't got all day."

Sebastian turned to see the other man striding quickly down the sidewalk, effortlessly weaving through the crowd. He hurried after him, occasionally bumping into passersby. "Boss, are you going to tell me what we are doing?"

James smirked slightly, his brown eyes glinting as he continued down the street. "We are going to pay a little visit to an old friend of mine."

Sebastian smirked. "You little fucker, you don't have any friends."

"Mm, well. That's true."

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see soon enough."

James and Sebastian reached the flat and Sebastian looked at James. "Look you little Irish dickhead. If you think we are goin-"

James had already rung the bell and opened the door. "Sorry, couldn't hear you," he chirped as he stepped inside.

Sebastian hesitated before following. "Sometimes I fucking hate you."

"Down, Tiger," James purred with a smirk. "You can save all of that for later."

They climbed the stairs slowly, hearing the violin music coming from behind the closed door in front of them. They reached the top and slowly opened it, the music stopping abruptly.

"At least you rang this time," the man in front of them grumbled, setting down his violin before turning around. Sherlock's eyes widened at the sight of the two of them.

James was hoping for that. "Sherlock, I don't believe you two have been properly introduced." He looked at Sebastian, motioning at the other man. "This is Sherlock Holmes."

Sherlock nodded curtly, the only offering of a greeting he felt comfortable with while Moriarty was around.

"Sherlock," James said, then giggled. "This is Moran. You may know him from....hmmm....oh, yes! The swimming pool, that was it!"

Sebastian rolled his eyes behind his dark lensed sunglasses. This coy little prick.  He stayed silent, still facing Sherlock, his face hard set in an intimidating manner.

Sherlock looked him over and looked back at James. "So. Seems you have a pet," Sherlock said with a small smirk.

James half smiled and raised a brow. "Hardly a deduction. Isn't that right, Tiger?"

Sebastian didn't respond. He kept his gaze on Sherlock, knowing damn well the man was getting unnerved.

James chuckled and looked at Sherlock. "Where um-" he looked around. "Where's John?"

"He's at work," Sherlock answered shortly.

"Work, ah yes. Work. How domestic is that? Man goes to work. Sweet little one stays at home to tend to the flat."

"Is there a reason you're here?" Sherlock snapped. "Our little meeting yesterday was enough for me. Or did you just miss me too much?"

James rolled his eyes. "Oh, Sherlock," he said with a disappointed face. "I have such high expectations for you and you just completely let me down every time." He looked at him. "But no matter." He hummed with a small smile. "I just thought you two should be properly introduced. Besides. We will both have close watch on you and Doctor Watson. And just keep in mind...Tiger never misses."

Sherlock froze momentarily.

James grinned. "We'll be in touch. Ciao, Sherlock."

James led the way down the stairs. Sebastian looked at Sherlock a bit longer before following.

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