He Killed Me

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I thought he was my friend,

when he first saved me from myself.

He was supposed to help me,

but instead

he killed me.

I was once fat,

always eating away my sorrows,

and drowning in a pit of pitiful neglect.

That was,

until he came along.

I was better.

I was brilliant.

I was beautiful.

But my health worsened

and he caused this.

I skipped meals,

never ate snacks.

Always listening to him,

when I skipped three days

without food.

I'd look in the mirror,

one moment admiring the bones

peeking out from my skin.

Then he came along,

and told me I'd never be skinny enough;

pretty enough.

He helped me,

in a way.

But he also

destroyed me.

I used to be so fat

I was bullied;

rendered worthless,

and a waste of big, gaping space.

But then I got too skinny;

barely any skin covering my weakening bones

and a rather large gap in between my thighs.

I was still bullied.

I tried to stop,

eating fatty junk

and shoving food down my throat.

But none of that mattered.

It was too late.

He got to me,

and killed me.

© by XCrocusX

To the people thinking about killing themselves and becoming anorexic, stop and think about what you're doing. You're not helping anyone, (and especially not yourself) by skipping meals and throwing up until your bones pop out of your skin. This is completely and utterly unhealthy, and if you are doing this because someone says "you're fat", or "go kill yourself", forget them! Why would they spend their time of day ruining other people's lives? It's unnecessary and completely rude. You'll always be beautiful and no one can change that. Just think clearly before doing this. No one deserves it.

Also, thank you all for reading! If anyone has noticed, I have rewritten this. I hope you like this edit better than the last. Hopefully you'll vote and comment, and possibly give me a little feed back. (*NOTICE: First off, shame on me for advertising, but then again... why not? If you have the time, may you please, please, PLEASE read my other stories I'm Fine, Where the Heart Roams and Lost Boy? It'd mean a fortune to me. Thank you so much.)

Dedicated to @ElPoetaSwaby for the amazing book cover at the side. I really appreciate it. And it would be great if you all would go check out her stories. ;)

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