1. The New Boy

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So I started this story way back in the day. I obviously haven't touched it in a while. I redownloaded this app on a whim wanting to reminisce in the stories I used to love so much. I remembered I posted a very little bit back when I was on this app like 24/7. I went back and reread what I wrote and got to thinking maybe it would be fun to pick this up again. I'm going to do my best to update what i have written so far and continue the story. Hope whoever stumbles on this enjoys it!



    "Ugh! I'm going to be late again! Not today, Not today! I have to have that stupid new kid follow me around all day!"

I ran as best I could towards the offices, my many bags weighing me down. Dropping my gym bag, violin, and backpack outside, I flung open the office door. As the door swung open my eyes landed on the tall handsome boy talking with the receptionist. He was wearing a black v-neck and faded blue jeans, one hand shoved in his pocket. The boy turned towards me making his messy brown hair fall into his eyes and flashed me a dimpled grin. He extended his hand towards me and said "Hi, I'm Archer." Realizing I was staring and he still had his hand stretched out waiting for me to shake it, I quickly shut my open mouth and stepped forward grabbing his hand. "Shit, sorry my names Holly. I'll be the one showing you around today." Not one of my best moments.

hopefully this day will be quick...

Archer just smiled pretending like I didn't just act like a total idiot.

"come on," I turning to open the office door trying to hide warm flush I felt creeping across my face, "we have English first." I gathered all my belonging I left outside and threw them on my back feeling like a hermit crab with an over sized shell. I started down the hall way occasionally swaying from side to side trying to keep my balance because of the uneven weight on my back

"you want some help with that?" Archer said trying to suppress a laugh.

"no" I mumbled.

despite my protest he reached over and pulled my gym bag onto his shoulder. Immediately my back felt better and I let out a relieved sigh.

"don't I get a thank you?" he said grinning.

"No. I was serious when I said I didn't need help. You were the one that decided to play prince charming and take my bags anyway."

"Ouch" he said clutching his chest faking pain.

"Oh, shut up" I said rolling my eyes, trying not to make it too obvious I was enjoying the banter.

"Home room starts at 8:00." I said starting my usual spiel I give to the new student I show around. "If you're here any later than that you have to go to the office and get a late slip. Three late slips in a month and you have an after-school study hall. The teach that runs it is a real bitch, so I suggest you try and not be late too much. Lunch is at 12 and you can eat wherever. We have a cafeteria that serves food but the only thing worth buying is the lemonade and candy they sell. All classes last 45 minutes and there is a five-minute passing period in between."

"Any questions so far?" I ask tilting my head up and to the side to look at him. Eyes slightly wide Archer looked like I overwhelmed him a little bit with everything I just threw at him. "No, I think I got it all." Archer said not seeming as confident as his words made him seem. "Don't worry" I said nudging him with my shoulder "It's not that complicated around here, you will pick things up quick."

I continued to lead Archer down the hallway towards the stairs to the second floor. He let me go first. I'm not sure if he was being a gentleman or was worried about me tumbling down the stairs with all the weight on my back and wanted to be ready to catch me, but either way I am appreciative of it. Once safely off the stairs I walked over the lockers and dropped all my bags with a sigh of relief. I tucked them away neatly in one of the cubbies under the lockers. Standing up and stretching my back feeling practically weightless now that I was free of all my bags I pointed to a locker. "This one is yours. They don't come with locks so if you want to keep anything safe I would suggest buying a lock. However, I should warn you. When you enroll in the school you are required to sign a contract that says they school has the right to search your locker any time they want. So I wouldn't keep anything in there you wouldn't want the school finding."

Archer laughed "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it."

"Good!" I said swinging his locker door shut "Now that we have the boring stuff out of the way, it's time for class. We have English first with Mrs. Loren. She's super sweet and as long as you pretend to be interested and read the sparknotes before class, she will love you."

"sounds easy enough" archers said nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders with his hands still in his pockets..

I was about to open the door to our English room when archer put a hand on my shoulder and said "wait!"

"what?" I turn slowly on my heels to face him, unsure of what he was about to say.

Archer had one hand on the back of his neck and was suddenly studying the floor in front of him like it was the most interesting thing he had seen all morning.

"She's...uh...she's not going to...uh make me get up in front of the class and introduce myself right?" he said the last part so fast I almost miss it.

Ahh so that's what this is about. I step forward and put my hand on his shoulder "don't worry, we don't really do that here, and even if we did everyone would love you, especially the girls"

I felt him put his arms around me and squeezes me tight; "thanks" he whispers.

saved by a rogue (wearwolf love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن