Number 0.5 - The Explanation

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For those of you who didn't understand you're either living in the past or you're simply dead (yeah, most of us don't read!) so, the world was fine with it's singing birds and sour tasting fruits. I would go with Janny, Ingrid and Phaedra to Yoga class then return home to play "Animal Crossing". Everything perfectly normal but then the zombie apocalypse happened (wow never thought I'd say that). It happened when no one expected. Basically three freak scientists developed this virus that spread and turned people into "half-dead". Humans call us zombies just for the reassuring feeling of not having to deal with something unknown in fact the fear of people towards the mysterious is what has been keeping Them alive. 

We wanna kill them make the world equal like never before. Colonize. After the virus was released this fantastic idea came to my kind and then hunger was greater than compassion. 

We are quite balanced, we eat raw animals and don't exactly need to use the bathroom for any necessities (we do not shower no...) and we keep costs low not needing any fashionable clothing or fancy houses. We live in tall and big buildings we call the sleepers, that's obviously where we sleep and throughout the building nets displayed horizontally represent one's nest.

There are about Five Sleepers in the world. Each of them has it's own importance but to be honest we compete among each other because the sleeper with the most colonized ground is ultimately the most powerful. Capitalism.

There is human resistance and some sleepers call themselves as "Human Friendly" not where I live though. We call our own camp The Globe Sleeper, but of course there are six more, there's The Dry Sleeper (rules a small part of Africa), there is The Stone Sleeper (rules two thirds of Europe), there is The Wave Sleeper (they don't do much, Australian humans live among them almost freely) and our ultimate rival The Snow Sleeper they are settled in Russia, the entire country yes whereas we live in the great North America. 

The rest of the planet is inhabited by humans and the world has never been in such chaos. We now are organized to start conquering more and more land. I adore my new life, I don't know where my family is nor do I care if my friends are enemies or not, for the first time I have a propose more than parading at Disney. I have to kill all humans and get my colony victory. And that is my motto.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2013 ⏰

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