Dylan dropped the rabbit by the fire and made his way over to a tree to cut a few branches and use as a splint.

With three sticks, he walked back to the fire and sharpened the one he planned to put the rabbit on.

"What took you so long," Aveline asked.

"Something was near me and I didn't know if it was an animal or if someone is following us. I made extra precautions and made a detour, then hid in a tree," said Dylan.

Once Dylan was done sharpening part of the splint, he took the rabbit and skinned it, cut it open, then gutted it as well. When he was done, he had two large prices of rabbit meat.

Dylan went over to the bags and found salt as well as some herbs. He sprinkled them onto the meat and stuck them both on the splint.

The other two sticks had a fork on one side. Those he stuck on either side of the fire and placed the stick with the meat on it with one side in each of the forks, leaving some poking out on the side he planned to sit so he could turn over the meat and cook it evenly.

When they were done, he took the meat off the fire and handed one to Aveline. She took it and regarded it suspiciously.

"You watched me make it, I wouldn't poison you," Dylan told her." If it makes you feel better, I can take the first bite." Dylan sunk his teeth into the price of meat. It was delicious. He had cooked it perfectly.

Following his example, Aveline took a hesitant bite. Her eyes widened and she  took another, eagerly now.

When they had finished, they put out the fire by scooping dirt over it. Their water supply was limited so they had decided to conserve it for drinking.

"That was really good, where did you learn how to cook like that," Aveline asked?

"My family are muggles so before they knew I was a wizard, I was a Boy Scout. They taught me how to live in the wilderness. I also love cooking at home," Dylan told her.

Without having to pack anything, they picked up their bags and kept walking.

They walked for a few hours before Aveline stopped suddenly.

"Did you hear that," she whispered.

Following her example, Dylan whispered back."What was it?"

Before Aveline could whisper back, Dylan heard it. It was the same noise he had heard when he was in his kitchen, right before the death eaters had taken him.

Crouching down, Dylan removed his wand from his sock. Luckily it hadn't fallen out when he had fallen or drowned. Aveline removed hers from her belt.

Dylan was looking around when he saw a piece of black cloth slip behind a tree. They had found them. Without thinking, he dropped his pack and ran. Aveline close behind him.

Dylan took a chance and looked back to see four death eaters following them on foot. The foliage was too dense for them to fly or cast spells. Spells could ricochet off of a tree and hit them instead.

Soon, a field of grass opened up past the trees. Dylan was worried. The death eaters could cast spells there. Dylan stopped Aveline and they braced themselves for a fight.

The death eaters ran out into the field. Dylan and Aveline both cast spells but Dylan missed and the death eater Aveline had aimed to blocked the spell.

One of the death eaters yelled "expelliarmus" and disarmed Dylan. His wand went flying but instead of retrieving it, Dylan grabbed his hunting knife and jumped on the closest death eater.

Closing his eyes, Dylan slit it's throat. Bile rose up into his mouth and he almost threw up, but now wasn't a good time.

Aveline screamed " immobulus" and one of the death eaters fell to the ground paralyzed. Two were left.

Dylan lunged towards the closest one but was too far away. As the death eater stepped back, Dylan pulled his arm back and threw his knife. With a dull thunk, the knife buried itself in the death eaters eye.

It's scream was cut short and the death eater crumpled onto the ground dead.

Now Dylan was vulnerable and the last death eater took advantage of that."Crucio."

Dylan fell to the ground. The pain was unimaginable and he could do nothing about it. He writhed and flailed his arms but to no avail. Seconds felt like hours.

"Stubefy" Aveline cast a spell, ending Dylan's pain. Dylan stayed on the ground, breathing hard. He didn't dare try to stand, in fear that he would pass out.

"Dylan are you okay?" Aveline asked, sounding concerned.

Dylan groaned in response. 

"We really should leave. It's too dangerous to stay since we both still have the trace and we both used magic," Aveline told him.

With great effort, Dylan finally got up. When he was sturdy enough, he walked over to where his wand fell to retrieve it, then went over to the second death eater he had killed and pulled the knife out of its mask and face.

As the knife came out, Dylan knelt down on his knees and threw up. Since they had eaten hours ago, there wasn't much.

Dylan wiped the blood off on the grass, then placed the knife back into its belt.

"I just killed them," he said faintly.

"It was necessary," Aveline told him. 

Dylan walked  over to one of the two death eaters. "We can't have these two walking around telling people we're dangerous. Do the same thing to the other as I do to this one.

He pointed his wand and concentrated on the spell.


That's all! Hope you enjoyed it! I'd love feedback and what you think is going to happen next!

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