“YAY!” Mady smiled turning to Bradie; she was the childish one. Caity was already asleep on the couch next to Shaun. He was pushing her fringe out of her face and sighing.

“Shaun? What’s that on Caity’s back?” Mady asked sitting up. Because Caity was in a baggie top it was ridding up her back and the mark was very noticeable.

“What? Umm, that’s where Brice slapped her” he said and pulled her top down.

“Ouch! That must hurt!” Bradie remarked. Soon enough Shaun was also asleep and so was Mady and Bradie, so it was just me and Em.

“Em?” I quietly asked.

“Yes” she smiled back.

“Your perfect” I said looking at her head resting on my shoulder.

“So are you” she smiled back placing her lips on mine, we broke apart and I told her I loved her.

“I love you too Andy” not long after that we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Mady's POV:

I rolled over and found Bradie's arms around my waist; I also found 5 new messages from mum.


Time to wake up Mady!




Missed call: Mum


Mulwala remember? I’ll be there  in 10


If you want you can see if Bradie wants to come too, I've already spoken to his mum


Be ready at 10:30.

SHIT! I have to have a shower and try not to wake everybody up, I thought to myself. I wriggled out of Bradie's grasp trying to not to wake him up and tippy toed down to the bathroom. I had a shower, did my hair, borrow Em’s mascara and got dressed. When I walked back into the living room Em and Bradie where both up and it was only 9:10.

“Morning!” I whispered walking over to Bradie.

“Morning Mad’s” he said kissing me on the top of my head.

“Bradie?” I asked.

“Uh huh”.

“Do you want to come to Mulwala? Mum said she already spoke to your mum and it's fine" I asked cuddling up to him.

“Of course! I desperately want to see you kneeboard! I'll ask mum to bring my stuff around quickly ” Bradie said getting out his phone and walking away, after about 2 minutes he came out smiling.

“Mum will be here soon" he said hugging me. "She's got my bag".

“YAY! I’m so happy now!” I smiled back to him.

“Where’s Bradie going?” Andy yawned, stirring a little before his eyes opened up.

“He’s coming to Mulwala with me!!!” I screamed causing Shaun and Caity to wake up.

“YES! No Bradie for 3 weeks!!!! My life is awesome!” Andy fist pumped.

Oh how I loved the warmth of the sun shining on my skin, and the hot temperature, and the amazing lake that just took your breath away!

“What’s going on; aren’t you going to Mulwala?” Caity sleepily asked me.

“Yeah, and he's coming” I smiled pointing to Bradie.

I heard the loud beep sound from outside and knew mum was here.

Before we knew it, we waved good bye to the others and headed for the road. I was going to my favourite place, with my favourite person! Could life get any better?

Emily's POV:

I waved good bye to Mady and Bradie as they headed up to Mulwala and walked back inside where I found Andy and Shaun, but no Caity.

“She’s in your room sleeping” Shaun said smiling.

“Now what?” Andy said shrugging his shoulders.

“Well, we could go for a walk!” I insisted.

“I’m in! Shaun?” Andy asked turning to him.

“You too go, I’m gonna stay here until Caity wakes up” he said smiling.

“Okay” I replied skipping out the door. Andy and I headed out the door and down the street hand in hand. Good thing we were still dressed from yesterday, we all just fell asleep in our clothes. We headed down to the park and kinda just chilled, enjoying being with each other.

“We should do this more often! But with Nici and Jump” Andy smiled as he slid down the slide

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