Chapter 18- Revealing Some Secrets

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So........... hello and about the wait about the chapter 17 I have a very good reason for it. I would list it but I realized that it was two paragraphs long so I decided not to.........

And earlier today I got in a fight with some other youtuber on 'A Thousand Years' lyric video for Christina Perri... it was really fun :)





!!!!!!! <3 4ever :)


At first there was silence.

Then He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named spoke, softly as a snake hissing slightly at a predator that dared to appproach him, "Harry, we meet yet again."

Harry opened his mouth and tried to speak, but he couldn't as his mouth felt like sandpaper and he thought that if he spoke, it would be a strange croak coming out instead.

Voldemort chuckled- yes, he chuckled, and he continued on not noticing, or caring, that the entire class was scared out of their wits, "I suppose this isn't a good time for you."

Harry's eyes widened along with his classmates as You-Know-You taunted Harry with humorless jokes.

"So many times you escape my grasp, so many times I have failed to kill you." He started, talking so softly that Harry had to strain his ears to hear him.

As soon as Voldemort finished that sentence, whispers spread around the room like wild-fire. People turned to their closest friends and gasped, what?

Harry froze, as did Ron and Hermione, and they all avoided the other students gazes. 'This will not go down well.' Harry thought fearfully as he continued to stare at Voldemort.

"You only survived on luck Harry Pot-" Harry quickly spoke up, hoping that no one else had heard what Voldemort almost said. Voldemort smirked evilly and he continued, "Secrets are meant to be told."

Voldemorts red eyes were merciless as he stared back at Harry with cruel amusement in his eyes, "I know you have those dreams. I can tell that you're listening in, not being able to stop the sound of my stupid servants screams."

Around the room shudders could be seen coming from the students that were listening in on their conversation. Well, it was hard not to when you think about it.

"You know my progress in my mission," He started again, "But you're missing what my mission is..."

"I know what it is," Harry lied smoothly as he stared back, unafraid of him suddenly, "Plus Dumbledore's here."

"I recall what happened last time he showed up, and you fled like a coward." Harry said, taunting him as he had done to Harry earlier.

Just then, and ugly look came over Voldemort's face as Harry stated the facts.

"I may have fled once, I do admit that, but you Harry, are much more of a coward than I, Lord Voldemort, would ever be."

"You Harry, have ran from your problems for years and you still have the old fool change your desicions. I know what you've been thinking the past year. You're no different than last year when you were with the animagus Bl-"

"You're lying," Harry said simply.

"Am I Harry?" Voldemort asked with an odd gleam in his eyes,"My servent has been keeping me informed. Very informed."

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