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....faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ended so suddenly....

the past days without brendon were awful. yes, tyler returned to work right after the day of the burial. it killed him inside to watch the casket be lowered, knowing that someday, all that would be left of him would be the gold ring he slipped on his finger.
scanning his room, he looked at polariods upon polariods of brendon and himself. he still remembered how brendon asked him out in sophomore year, with a wooden ukelele and some flowers. daises, to be exact. they'd spent four years of their lives together, the beginning of sophomore year and it all came to a screeching halt in their freshman year of college.
but it's okay. brendon was irreplaceable, and nobody would ever take his place.
as he continued to scan the pictures, he heard the little bell at the front of the store ding. he exited the room and went to the front counter, where a blue-haired man was looking amongst the records. the rock ones, specifically.
"hey, who is the most tattooed person that works here?" blue-hair asked, and tyler pointed at himself. now that brendon was gone, he was the only person that worked at the half record-store, half home.
"well then. i need the loudest music you have. with lots of drumming in the backtrack." the man said, and tyler looked straight into his eyes.
just like brendon's.
the same chocolate brown, but...intruiging. it was terrifying.
"right...let me see. we have the most basic one, which would be smells like teen spirit by nirvana...we have moby dick by led zepplin...ooh, and my personal favourite, eyeless by slipknot." tyler was giddy, talking about music made him happy.
but eyeless helped him cope with the voices in his head.
brendon used to do that. but that motherfucker was dead now.
tyler felt angry at brendon, and didn't know why. he left him alone in the world, and maybe tyler didn't really love him.
maybe brendon was just a rock, a shoulder to lean on.
maybe brendon was just there to keep him company.

tyler hated brendon boyd urie.

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