Gym and milkshakes

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The bell rung and they entered the changing room. Dean and cas entered the changing room, it was beaten to crap and everything was in rough shape.

Cas slowly slipped off the black jacket cautious and saw no wings on his back, but the slashes in the back of his clothing still were.

"What's with the cuts in your clothing cas?" Dean asked concerned, "my brother did them to all my clothing before I left for here" cas said. He slipped off his button up revealing his six pack.

Cas slipped on the t-shirt he hand, it was a white shirt that had a silver cross on it and he slipped in the black shorts he also was going to wear.

After getting his attire on he sat down and put on the shoes he packed, after everything was set he waited for Dean. Once Dean was dressed they both left the change room together.

Cas shivered from having so much skin exposed after being covered up all day, but his wings were happy to be free. They pressed against his back in fear of being felt by anyone, they felt unprotected right now.

Someone blew a whistle, Dean tapped cas's shoulder and cas followed Dean to the teacher, it was a semi in shape middle aged man.

"Okay, we have a new student so we're gonna go easy today. We're on the field today so we're gonna do a timed run then we're gonna play capture the flag"

Most groaned and started trudging out to the field. Castiel heard his name called by the teacher, he walked over to the teacher walking next to him.

"Is there anything I should know for your safety?" The teacher asked, "I have a back injury so no one can touch my back" Castiel lied, it was so no one would touched his wings on accident.

"Okay, anything else. Like asthma or heart condition?" The teacher pryed, "no, other than my back, I'm in good shape" Castiel hummed pleased with himself.

They got down to the field and everyone was waiting for the teachers go ahead, "okay. When I blow the whistle you will run four laps around the field and I will be timing you" the teacher instructed.

Cas was gonna stay near Dean, hopefully that was gonna be easy. But he couldn't fly or use his wings for assistance.

They got to a line In which they would all start, Castiel used his grace to detach his breathing from his vessel's. He wouldn't have to breath like his vessel so he could have even breaths as he just have to run.

His vessel would mimic his breathing and not need to take in air like it normally would because his grace would be sustaining his lungs of oxygen.

The teacher blew the whistle and everyone started a dead sprint. Cas ran beside Dean staying close as he could to his pace.

Dean was one of the fasted runners In the class so he was taken for a loop when cas was staying right next to him.

Cas's breathing was regular though, dean's wasn't, keeping at this pace no one's should be breaths regularly.

Cas ran next to Dean just admiring the scenery as he ran next to Dean, and the sight of Dean was also a pleasing one.

Cas was developing what a human would call a crush. A faint attraction that can be only physical, but he was attracted in both ways. Physical and emotionally.

His feet were light and his steps were even, he felt his forehead get damp but that was about it. They finished there four laps, Dean was bent over panting as cas just watched him breathing normally.

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