Chapter 2 - Caroline

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Song - Do I wanna know {Arctic Monkey's}

***It was a couple of day's later  Kendall was staying with Tyler as he had offered

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It was a couple of day's later  Kendall was staying with Tyler as he had offered.

She walked to a door were she heard Tyler talking to a hybrid

"He's highly trained. He's armed--" Tyler got cut of by Dean

"I can handle myself. Besides Klaus asked me personally."

"This is a bad idea."

A blond woman walked up to the door were they were talking turning she spotted Kendall 

"Uh, who are you?" She asked

"Who they hell are you?" Kendall asked

"Caroline" Caroline said

"Oh, you're Tyler's girl. He told me about you. I'm Kendall."

"Well, Kendall, that's pretty crazy because I haven't heard a thing about you."

"I've been staying here a few day's"

"Excuse me?"

"I needed a place to crash. Ty's a buddy, he was kind enough to offer."

"I know all of Ty's buddies and I haven't heard about you...So how about we cut the crap?"

"Yeah, I don't do teen drama. Take it up with Ty. Excuse me." She said and walked away into the room were Dean and Tyler were talking

"Dean, you don't need to do this"Kendall say making her presence known

"Stay out of this, Kendall. I'm going." Dean said

"Just listen to her, man. It's suicide. Klaus told you to take Conner by yourself, and you can't even fight back? You have to use non-lethal force, what the hell is that?"

"Klaus gave me a direct order."

"It's too dangerous.That maniac killed Nate" Kendall said

"You're not a don't know what it like. Klaus ask's for something, you do it"

"Look, I'm a hybrid. I used to do everything Klaus said. But I don't anymore.You don't have to either."

"You think you can stand up to Klaus?" Deans say's and passes Tyler his phone "Prove it."

"Tyler, don't" Caroline say's but he had already rung it and had it at his ear

"Hey, Klaus. I can do whatever I want. Im not sired to you anymore." Tyler said and hung up the phone something klaus had said spooked him because turning to Dean He say's "Do whatever the hell you want." And with the he left the room

"That's it? You just backed down?" Kendall said and chased him


Kendall and Tyler were hugging

"I'm so sorry" Tyler said they broke apart so they were arm's length

"I can't believe Deans gone. We could of save him." Kendall said as Caroline walked in the quickly broke full apart

"I apologise, am I intruding?" Caroline asked

"Caroline, it's not like that." Tyler said

"I keep waiting for you to make up...some dumb story so I can call you a lair. Is that now?"

"I'll let you two talk." Kendall said and started to walk away

"Thank you, how big of you."


I know I left it a rubbish ending but it will get better

I don not own The Vampire Diaries or The Originals

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