The Only Chapter!

Depuis le début

I liked to think of it as a warning sign to stock up on lots of tissues. I had a nagging feeling that I would need them.

And around that time that I had this thought, I started to started to question what I had gotten myself into. Why exactly had I signed up for this class again?

At the beginning of this class, I truly did think that after surviving the daunting AP Chemistry last year, that I had a chance at surviving Biology, but I was starting to have major doubts.

What if I couldn't do this after all? Did I truly think that I was smart enough to take on Great AP Biology?

Since time doesn't stop for anyone's internal struggles, the class wore on, and as the teacher continued dissecting the multi page syllabus, I thought that maybe, just maybe, after all of my stressful thinking, that I might be able to actually enjoy myself and have some fun in this class.

Mrs. Potterf was so easygoing and nice, and I could easily see myself learning in the hilarious environment that she so effortlessly created. Her classroom was a breath of fresh air compared to the other classes I had to endure that day.

I somehow managed to convince myself before that final bell rang to leave, that I would try my very best in biology, and that, even if I failed, I would know, deep down in the darkest reaches of my heart, that I had tried as hard as was humanly possible, for me at least.

This would not be a repeat of my laziness in Chemistry. It would not be a contagion that followed me here. I would not allow it to pass.

I would not fail Mrs. Potterf, and most importantly, I would not fail myself.

The bell echoed throughout the school and rang around my head, but I did not care. I gathered my books with a newfound purpose and marched my way out of that classroom.

There was a light bounce to my step as I made my way out of the building and into the blazing sunlight of mid August.

A Few Days Later: Day Four

With a sigh, I slumped into my assigned seat and leisurely began to unpack my bag. My eyes skimmed around the room, seeking out our teacher, or more specifically, teachers.

But, sadly, neither Mrs. Potterf's dark head of hair or Mr. Potterf's flaming red locks were not to be seen.

I sighed and continued pulling things from my backpack.

The red haired boy from the first day arrived barely a second after me and preceded to unceremoniously dump his stuff on the desk next to mine. With a quick glance in my direction, he headed off to talk to his friends.

I stayed quiet, mentally prepping myself for the class to come, and for the teachers to make themselves known. Whenever that would be.

The bell jingled loudly as my classmates rushed to their seats. Many began the short process of pulling out binders and other necessary classroom equipment that would prepare them for class.

Finally, after a very few short minutes that involved me coaching myself into thinking that I was not an imposter pretending to be smart, and that I did indeed belong in this rigorous class, our loyal stand in and substitute, Mr. Potterf made his grand (or as grand as a teacher's can get)entrance.

A few minutes later, after role had been called and everyone was all situated, he enlightened us about how we would be spending our next ninety minutes doing, or at least, part of the time.

We were told that we would be going on a small field trip, one that didn't even require any permission slip. I was perplexed, until I figured out just how small this trip was actually going to be.

It didn't even require us to leave the classroom and consisted mainly of us being shown around the room by Mr. Potterf himself.

I thought it was a rather creative way to make sure that your students knew where everything was located.

After we surveyed the class space and what resources were to be offered to us, I was surprised to find out that we were to have coffee every Friday! The teacher even had a cape for the Coffee Captain, the person assigned to make sure the coffee was made.


The classroom was chalked full of so many things that I was rather grateful to him for his little 'field trip'. Many of the things that were offered left the mind with no doubt that this was a science class meant not for the every day elementary science student. This was meant for the students serious about science.

And I made me feel more like a fraud.

I loved science, don't get me wrong, but that didn't mean that I wanted to major in a field of it. English was to forever be my path of choice.


Many of the students took a chance to pass around the different assortment of plant life that was kept inside the classroom. One of which didn't even require soil to survive! It took its nutrients straight from the air surrounding us.

But with these plants were not alone in their inhabitants of the class. A few animals were kept inside, if you could consider most of them that.

All in all, the Potterfs only really had one animal if you didn't count all the insects crawling around in their compost bin, and it was one that I was never going to be caught near. They had a class snake as a pet!

It was nonpoisonous and had been known to not bite anyone but still! Just one look at her shiny scales sent a shiver of fear down my spine.


Soon the bell was ringing once again, and it was time to make my way home.

With a reluctant sigh, I sulkily made my way to my desk.

As I threw my books into my bag, I couldn't help but smile to myself.

Maybe AP Biology wouldn't be so bad after all.

With teachers like the Potterfs on hand, anything was possible.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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