Genin Exam part 2

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"No, just his scores and the written notes about his behavior that all of the teachers do on the students." He replied. Mizuki quickly turned away and dashed out of the room. Once he was out of sight however, a victorious smirk crossed his features.

"Faze two" he muttered

~with Naruto~
Naruto had just gone to the spot he was told to go to by Mizuki and was wondering were to start. Looking through the scroll, he found one that could assist him greatly: the Kage Bunshin. After reading what it said about the jutsu and how to perform it he began using the needed hand signs, landing on a cross one he hadn't yet learned in the academy.

'Must not be one of the twelve basics.' He thought as five exact replicas of him came into existence.

"Wow, nice job boss! Five is good! Five is very good!" One clone yelled excitedly.

"This is so cool!" The original exclaimed loudly.
"hey, do you guys feel? Are you real?" He continued as he poked the one closest to him. It puffed out of existence almost instantly.

"Five was good but, we need to work on making us all stronger, we should be able to take about two or three kicks or so." Another clone said and demonstrated this by kicking the one next to him, who puffed out of existence.

"That's all good to work on and all but, wait, I remember what the other clones saw!"another said and the real Naruto's eyes widened in realization as he too remembered.

"Ok, we could use that to our advantage with studying but, for now, we need to come up with code names or something. I can't just call you all "clone", it's too confusing!" The original said with a slight whine.

"Well, we could call you boss, one of us alpha, one beta, and all the others omega, like a pack." One reasoned

"That could work out, I think I'm a beta!" Beta cried happily. An extra clone later and they all got to work on naming themselves. It ended up with two omegas (one turned into female) and went to work on training. The omegas looked at the scroll before turning to boss Naruto.

"It would be a waste to just learn one boss-" one started

"-We should learn all of them!" The other one announced

"How 'bout you guys copy all of the jutsu on some scrolls?" Boss Naruto said as he handed them a few scrolls and all of the other needed material. The two nodded, quickly going to work on copying the scroll word for word.
While those two did that, Boss Naruto made as many clones as he could. The entire area was quickly flooded with clones and it looked almost like a sea of orange. He separated them all into ten groups of twenty and had them all work on different things like chakra control and some of the jutsu he saw in the scroll but one group he had fight him all at once. Each group had one alpha per group all members of said groups working swiftly. After about an hour or two, Naruto noticed that this was close to his favorite spot in the forest and decided to leave this spot.

"Hey boss," an omega started as he too was thinking about the area
"Do you think we should stop for today? Mizuki sensei will be coming for us soon." He reasoned, Naruto nodding.

"OK EVERYONE!" He yelled to the different groups
"I think that was enough for today, puff out in a couple minutes, I think I will go for a walk...I'll bring the scrolls." He was handed about ten different skinny scrolls and the one huge one. He sealed the skinny ones into a seal he drew on the inner side to his arm were he could use it easily to hold all of his stuff so it could never be lost, broken, or stolen. The last one was carried by two of the alpha clones. As they were walking, they suddenly stopped when all of the other clones dispersed at once, making the only two remaining clones puff out of existence from an information overload and the chakra exhausted Naruto fall to the ground by a large tree root.
All of the info, the memories those clones had, and all of the extra chakra from them had flooded his body and mind, it was far too much. His chakra coils had somehow grown when his clones were using up his chakra and now he just shoved extra chakra in them, forcing them to expand. His uneven and heavy breaths being heard from a good distance around him as he tried to process everything but found that unconsciousness was pulling him hard. He was forced to stop trying to process it all and instead focused on trying to stay awake until he could show either of his two senseis what he could do and pass. Becoming an actual ninja was top priority after all and he didn't want to take any risks for his carrier.

[OLD] To fix the broken (Old)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora