Your Water Breaking

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"Could we get a picture with you?" One of the girls asked.

Niall looked over at you to see if it was okay and you nodded.

"Sure." Niall said.

"Thank you so much!" The girls said. You expected one of them to ask you to take the picture like most fans did but you were surprised when they asked you to be in the photo too.

"Y/n, come get in! We want a picture with both of you guys!" One of the girls said.

You smiled as you walked over to them and put an arm around one of the girls. Niall took the phone and held it out as the four of you took a group selfie together.

"Thank you guys so much for taking a picture with us!"

"You're welcome!" You said.

"How is your pregnancy going? Is it almost time for them to come?"

"They could come any day now." You said as you smiled at them.

"Can we feel your bump?" One of the girls asked.

You normally didn't like anyone but Niall or your family touching your bump. But these fans weren't screaming or freaking out. They were calm and talking to you guys like you were normal people instead of celebrities. And they had the courtesy to ask before they just reached out.

"Sure," you said smiling.

They smiled and then slowly reached out to touch your bump. You felt one of the babies kick and their faces lit up when they felt it.

"Was that a kick?" One of the girls asked.

"Yeah," you said smiling.

You stood talking to the two girls for another minute or so before four more girls came over.

"Can we get a picture with you guys?" They asked.

"Sure," you said. Again you expected them to just want a picture with Niall but they also wanted you to be in the picture.

"You guys are so cute together! I wish you were my parents! You're going to be like the coolest parents in the world." One of the girls said.

"Aww thank you!" You said.

After taking a picture with the four girls they continued on their way and three more girls came over to you guys.

"Niall will you take a picture of us with Y/n?" One of the girls asked.

Niall was a little caught off guard by the question, since he had never been asked to TAKE the picture before. But he smiled, loving how the fans were treating you.

"Of course." He said.

"Everyone smile." He said as he held the girl's phone and took the picture of them with you.

"You're so big! When are the babies due?" One of the girls asked.

"In two days." You said.

"Aww! I can't wait to see pictures of them! Are you guys going to post pictures?" Another one of them asked.

"We won't post a lot of pictures but we'll for sure post at least one so that the fans can see them." You said.

"Yay! I can't wait! You guys are going to be great parents!" The third girl said.

"Aww thank you guys." You said smiling at them.

"Should we go inside and grab some food?" Niall asked as he put a hand on your back to politely excuse the two of you from the fans.

Niall Horan Pregnancy SeriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora