"I'm gone for what? Ten minutes? And you guys are already trashing the place" You say with a slight laugh at the end.

"I did nothin' "Connor said, throwing his hands up in playful surrender.

You wouldn't help but roll your eyes slightly, smiling though.

You noted the Murphy was looking at the floor, as if not meeting your gaze on purpose.

"Connor, what did you do to Murphy?" You're questioned as you walked to the kitchen to start coffee.

"What? Nothin'!" He said in his defense.

"Then why is he throwing pillows at you?" You asked.

"he's crazy you know that!" He response.

"Says the one that was chased by the goose" You retort. (Not sure if I used retort right, I took a chance, tell me if I'm wrong in the comments and I'll change it xD)

Connor didn't respond, Murphy was now giving a mocking look to his brother.

"Goose runner" Murphy said with a small laugh at his horrible joke.

"Guys for real what did I miss in the ten minutes I was gone?" You questioned.

"Nothing-nothing Connor is just being Connor," Murphy said quickly.

"Alright" You say and Connor shot his head up.

"Aye! What's that supposed to mean??" You asked defensively.

"Nothing sweetie." You say in a sweet innocent voice.

He gave a small huff.

"You guys want coffee?" You asked, hearing the tiny bell like thing from the coffee pot.

"Sure." Murphy murmured, running his hand through his bed head hair.

"Connor?" You asked after a second.

"Yeah sure" he says.

You poured coffee into three mugs and gave them one each after adding sugar and such.

They thanked you and you all sat on the couch talking after shoeing shay from the mugs.

You guys talked for about an hour, the drinks where gone and set on the coffee table when you got up.

"I am gonna take shay on her morning walk." You told them, walking over to your foyer for her leash and collar.

"Can I join ya?" Connor asked, getting up.

"Sure" You say happily.

"Yeah I'm gonna stay on the couch" Murphy says, lying back down.

You and Connor laugh slightly.

"Alright, see you in a little" You say and put Shays collar on, you and Connor head out the door starting down the sidewalk.

"Did ya have fun last night?" Connor asked, his arm loosely put around your shoulders as yours wrapped around his back.

"Yeah. Did you?" You asked, looking at him for a second.

"Yeah, I think Murph did also. Do ya really not remember what happened last night?" He questioned.

"No, I remember something with truth or dare and Jeff was involved and some other stuff but it's all kind of vivid." You tell him honestly.

"So ya don't know if anything happened?" Connor asked in almost a letdown voice.

"No. why *did* something happen?" You asked.

"Not that I know of, but I know ya both where hammered and ya like him don't ya?" He asked.

"okay first of all at least we fell asleep on the couch, you *passed* out on the table, and secondly yeah, he's a great guy but I mean common, I wouldn't kiss him cause I was drunk, I'm not that kind of drunk...I think.." You say, the last part was added as an afterthought really that was said aloud.

"Mhm, but ya do liikeee him right?" Connor questioned further.

"Connor what is this about??" You asked.

"Do ya like him more than a friend or not?" He asked, avoiding your question as much as you where his.

"Well yeah but—oh.." You said, realizing you had just let that slip.

"Aha!" He says in victory.

"Okay well, when someone likes someone else and gets drunk with'em, they usually end up sayin' something about it lass" He told you and your stomach dropped slightly.

Had you told him last night? Was that why he was avoiding your gaze that morning? What if he remembered and just decided to say nothing about it because he didn't feel the same way? What if you *had* tried to kiss him and made a total fool of yourself??

A thousand thoughts ran through your head, slight panic came over you.

"Okay Connor I need you to tell me something honestly." You say.

"What is it lass?" he questioned.

"Do you know if I tried anything on him last night or anything??" You asked worriedly.

"Well, the worst it got that I know of was ya made him yell as he ran down tha street topless, that's as bad as I know it got." He tells you.

"Okay..." You say still slightly worried.

You were going to have to ask Murphy if he, one, felt the same way, two, remembered anything last night.

You guys finished your walk talking about other things, going back to the house about fifteen minutes later to find Murphy had passed out again in the same spot you saw him when you left.

You and Connor talked quietly in the kitchen waiting for Murphy to wake up.

After about an hour, you had gained more information about their everyday lives then you had known from reading about them.

After about two hours, Murphy startled to toss and turn until he was fully awake.

"Hey, I see the coffee didn't help?" You asked when he had opened his eyes and was facing you

"Guess not." He replied and sat up; his headache was mostly gone at this point.

"How long was I out?" He questioned.

"A little longer than two hours" You tell him.

Connor knew you where gonna wanna talk with him so he decided to make up an excuse.

"Y/n I told...Rocco that I would do this thing with'm today so uh...I'll be back in a few...hours?" He said and you gave him a very confused look.

"Urm---o-okay... have fun." You say, finding his unsure voice very weird.

"You guys have fun," He said, putting his shoes on and leaving the house.

"Connor being Connor" Murphy laughed, making you smile.

"Murph do you remember *anything* from last night?" You asked after you heard the door close.

"Not really other then drinking, and running down the street yelling...also Connor passed out on the table." Murphy told you honestly.

"Okay urh...you sure? You're being completely honest?" You asked and he nodded.

"Okay well, just remember I can tell if you're lying about this." You told him giving him a small childish glare.

"Alright y/n, if I remember anything though I'll be sure to tell ya." He says with a small smile.

"Alright-oh and what did you wanna tell me yesterday at the park?" you questioned.

"Nothing...." He said after giving a glance to the wooden table that you guys sat at.

"Okay. Well if you remember or wanna tell me just say so," you tell him and he gave a quick faint nod.

"So how'd the walk go?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

You guys talked for a bit, both of you trying to spark memories from that night, so fare you had remembered the truth or dare game, Connor passed out, Jeff, and passing out on the couch, that was all though so far.

The Psychic. MurphyxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now