The 'little' white lie.

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"M-Murphy?" You said as soon as you saw him before you could stop your words.Your stomach Plummeted at what you had just said, staring at him in now horror."Fuck" You whisper under your breath as his eyes furrowed when you said, and knew his name

End of preview.

"Uh—H-Have we met..?" He asked, his eyes still furrowed.

"No uh...."

"Then how'd ya know.?" He questioned,

"I'm uh-a psychic." You say quickly.

Between your panicked and slightly drunk state, you said the first thing that came to mind.

"Are ya sure'bout that lass?" He questioned, figuring you where just drunk.

"Ya, ask me anything." You said.

"Alright, who's that?" He asked, pointing to Connor.

You looked at him, making it look like you where concentrating for a second when you where trying just not to die from the lie you had just said.

"That's your brother, more specifically your twin, his name his Connor." You say after looking back at him.

"Damn, can I sit?" He asked.

"Yeah o-of course." You say with a small deep breath.

Murphy sat down on the opposite side of you.

"So, can I know yer name?" He asked.

"y/n, its y/n" You tell him.

"Nice ta meet ya." He said, giving you a charming smile.

"So tell me, how does this 'psychic' thing work?" he questioned, putting his chin in his hands as he leaned forward onto the table, furrowing his eyes with interest.

"I-urm-I don't uh really know..." You say, glancing around the bar.

"Is it an off and on kind of thing or can ya control it?"He questioned.

"I can control it" You lie, feeling slightly guilty.

"What else do ya know about me?" He questioned.

"Let's see...." You say and look into his blue eyes and smile slightly.

"Your twenty seven, your mother and fathers name is Annabelle and Noah, your last name is MacManus and you have never been in a steady relationship to this day, you also have no pets." You say and he looked very amazed.

You could not help but smirk slightly.

"And I also know that you're really cute, though, I don't need to be a psychic to know that" You say and make him laugh slightly

"Well, yer pretty cute yourself" He said with a childish smirk.

You guys talked for a little bit before Connor came over, nearly falling on his brother.

He was laughing harshly at god knows what.

"And who's this?" He asked after a second.

"This here's y/n, and guess what! She's psychic!" Murphy said, patting his brother on the back.

"Really? Tell me, what's that guy thinking?" He asked, pointing to a man with a fairly thick beard with long brown hair.

"He's is thinking about.....nachos..." you say after a second.

The Psychic. MurphyxReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon