He's really something

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(Astrid POV)
I wake up in the morning and prepare my self to go to school but before i left the house my mom come to me
"Hey Astrid i want to tell you something"
"And what that something is" i ask her with a fancy accent she giggled then she spoke "well today my job they kinda send me to work in other town far from here for three weeks and i can't refuse it if i refuse it i'll lose my job"
"What like now !?"
"Yeah Astrid please find someone of your friend like ruff to stay at her house i don't want you to be alone"
"But mom i can handle myself-"
"Please Astrid i'll be worried about you"
"Fine i'll see some of my friend if i can stay with them"
"Thanks and don't forget to gain money for the house "
"Don't worry ma i'll miss you"
"I'll miss you too my angel" then she hugged me and i exit the house and take my way to school.
When i'm on my way i felt someone tapped my shoulder i turn around to see Hiccup looking at me with that Dorky smile
"Hi!" he said
"Hey how are you?"
"I'm good how about ya?"
"Yeah fine" and then we stayed in silent
(Hiccup POV)
When i ask her how she's doing she said she's fine but i know there is something wrong by the look of her face and on her eyes i can sense it
"Common Astrid i know you're not what's wrong?" i ask her
"Well idk i'm kinda upset" she replied
"And why is that"
"Because my mom said that she's going to travel to another town far from here cause of that stupid job and she will back after two weeks"
"Oh it'll be okay i know the felling of not seeing your parents everyday"
(Astrid POV)
When he said that i shout up my head to look at him and then i saw the sad on his face i feel sorry for him
"I'm sorry" i said
"Nah it's okay and btw if u need any help i'm here for you all the time" here.... for me....all the time... O.o !?! When i think of what he said i kinda blushed but i turn my face to the right to hide it
"Thanks...thanks a lot Hiccup" i said to him and he gave me his adorable smile. Then we continued our way to the school.

Now it's already lunch time I was setting with ruff not eating my food i'm thinking what i could do without my mother around....with me. Then ruffnut talk
"Hey what do you think about.... Are you thinking about him?"
Him who she's mean ?
"Him what do you mean ?"
"C'mon Astrid i know you like him"
"Who is him"
What O.o first mom now her
"Me c'mon Ruff seriously ?"
"Well i don't blame you he's Hot, he's so handsome and cute"
Now i felt my self blushing really hard so i hide my face
"Maybe you're right Ruff but i don't like him as a thing we are only a partners" or i ? :/ .
"So what do you think about"
"Well i was thinking of a sleep over with ya ?"
"Sorry Astrid but you know my cousins are here and i don't have place besides you're not gonna love spending time with them do you remember last time ?"
Well she's right i can't blame here if the twins are crazy their cousins are incredibly insane even for the Twins the last they nearly set me on fire cause of an accident hhhhhh hopefully i was warned by Tuff
"Yeah yeah i remember"
"I'm sorry Astrid really sorry"
"No it's fine otherwise i'm sorry for you good luck with your cousins"
"Yeah thanks wish me luck to stay a live".
Then our conversation are over and we continued the school.
 No it's time to go home finally but i need to keep my promise to my mom and find somewhere to sleep not alone so i decided to go to Jenna one of my close friend but first i need to go home and pack my things
Some hours later and now it's dark outside so i decided to go to Jenna but when i reach there i didn't find anyone and then i remembered that she didn't come to school  about 3 days so i decided to call her but no respond now what where should i go and suddenly the Rain start to drop great so i start to think of people
Hmmm let see i have Snoutlout... Not chance in hell..Eret no he'll think that i'm trying to sleep with him and have some fun ugh i nearly throw up thinking of that. where should i go?. Then i remembered what Hiccup said to me that i need help he's going to help me so i decided to go to his house okay now the Rains was so heavy and it's so cold and i'm all wet when i reach Hiccup's mansion i find the gate was open he always let them open for some reasons he said but i didn't see his car and he close the house door so i ring the bell and knock hopefully he was here because like what i just say i don't see his car here let's hope he put it on the garage after some minutes the door open to reveal Hiccup on a really tiny white T-shirt, a black jeans and a nike sneakers wow he have muscles and oh my god he have 6 pack abs and you can see them from his tiny shirt oh my god how i didn't notice that before or why is he keep hiding them ok now Astrid don't keep staring
"Ahh Hi...hello. Is someone there" he said with a smile so i back to reality with a hard really red blush on my checks
"Ah hi"
" can i help you?"
"Well you now that my mom travelled and she told me to stay at some friends house because she was worried about me but Ruff can't and Jenna wasn't here and snoutlout and Eret not chance and all my other friend are far from here so i though about you and don't get me wrong i didn't put you as the last choice but i don't know i though maybe you need some time alone or something don't get me wrong :p"
"Okay then common i'll help you with your bags there"
Then he grabbed my bags and i followed him to a really big room not as big as his but it's still big
"Well Astrid welcome to our guest bedroom and you are the winner because you're the first one who's gonna sleep on it" he said with smile
"What i'm the first one why?" i ask
"Yeah because all our guests are my father's friend and they don't like to stay at home just like my Dad :p hhhh"
"Okay then"
"So here's your TV but you don't have much thing to watch if you want to watch anything you like you can use the living room TV she's bigger and have anything on it and here's your desk if you want i don't know to study or build something or whatever you want hhhh here is your closet, your own bathroom, and your balcony and of course your quin size bed make yourself comfortable and if you need anything Astrid i'll be in the room right next to you" he said
"Hey do you have extra blanket i really feel cold and freezing at night not just like other people" i said to him
"Oh of course well i give you mine and i will find other for me"
"Thank you Hiccup...Thank you very much"
"You're welcome Astrid but now you need to change your clothes you are all wet"
"Okay but why are you still wearing your clothes"
"Well i was working on the car until you came that's why so i'll  back to the garage now"
"Wait can i come with you"
"Yeah of course i'll wait you to change your clothes" he said then he exit my room so i head to the bathroom and changed my clothes.
After wearing a comfortable pajama i followed Hiccup to the garage and we talked much and share some stories and i kept watching him as he was working on the car wow man he was really strong and hot like what just Ruffnut said and let's not forget that he's so handsome wait wait wait what....!!!! C'mon Astrid stay calm and what i'm saying.
"Oh man i'm so tired now i think it's good thing to go to sleep cause we have school tomorrow" i heard Hiccup say
"Yeah that's a good idea" i agree with him i'm really tired but spending time with him was really cool so we head to our rooms and he said goodbye to me and enter his room so i entered mine and i lie on the bed and got under the blanket then i smell a lovely smell on the blanket that Hiccup gave it to me and it was his smell and i really love it so i hold on that blanket really hard and closed my eyes to sleep and the sound of the rain and Hiccup smell helped me to sleep this was the sweetest sleep condition ever after holding on my mom of course and let's hope there's no any thunder to ruin this sleep because i'm afraid of thunders for some reasons.
After few second i'm already Dead sleep.
I wake up in the morning after a lovely sleep but with headache, sneezing, and coughing and i really don't feel my self very well i feel so tired great i think i just get cold  so i decided to go down stare then i find Hiccup in the kitchen cooking something "Good morning sleeping beauty sleep well ?" he said
"Good morning to you too and yes thank you" then i sneezed
"Are you alright?" he asked
"I'm fine" i lied
Then i sneezed 3 time in a raw and coughed
"No you're not did you got cold?"
"I don't know maybe so what are you cooking"
"Some pancake"
"Oww i really love pancake"
"Well make your self comfortable on the table till i bring them to you"
So i set down on the table and waited for him until he came and gave me my plate and we start eating oh my gosh this pancake are really cool they were the most delicious one that i ever eat i didn't eat pancake for longtime but those are the best one that i eat it of all my life he really know how to cook
"Wow Hiccup those are the best pancake i ever ate"
"Well i'm happy that you like it"
"Now.....acho...we need...ah*cough* go to school" i said
"Wait wait wait you're not going anywhere you can't go to school on this condition you need to rest"
"But c'mon Hiccup i can handle my self i'll be fine aho aho"
"Astrid please if you go to school you'll make your condition worst because the weather is really cold and it was rainy outside there"
"But what about the lessons?" i asked him
"I'll take them for you and i'll copy them to you when i come back we are at the same classes remember"
"Yeah you make a point fine i'll stay"
"Thank you"
"No you the one who i should thanks because of your carrying" i said that with a blush and i think i saw him blush too but he didn't gave me time to confirm it
"Okay i'll go get my stuff please make your self here as you're in your house what's me is yours you can use everything you want"
"Oky thanks"
"You're welcome" then he went up stare so i kept watching the TV for 5 min until the sleep take me over again so i felt sleep on the couch

The Real Hiccup (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now