"Yeah, sounds good," he agrees, and throws him a pair of sweatpants. "Wanna shower first?"

Troye shook his head as he slips them on. "Nah, you can."

"Kay," Connor nods, but before he could make his way out the room, he asks, "Could you change the sheets, too? There's probably still some...stuff on it."

He laughs. "Of course, I'll make us breakfast too."

Connor pulled out his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants and gave him a look. "It's 1:20pm, and you can barely make pancakes. Just order delivery or something."

"No, I make good food!" Troye exclaims back, crossing his arms on his naked chest, pouting slightly. "Come on, why waste money when you got chef Mellet in the household?"

His boyfriend gives him another look, but then gives him a "whatever" face. "Fine, just please don't burn the house down. I kinda wanna live in it for a little longer."

"You got it." He grins, clasping his hands as he exited the room. He opens back the dresser where Connor had evenly separated his clothes from his, saying they could buy another dresser soon, but Troye didn't really care. He felt more homely when Connor let him use his own things. It was like he was living with him, though Troye doubt that would ever happen, which got him to start thinking. Maybe he should start looking for places to stay in. Preferably close to him, of course.

He threw on a LANY t-shirt he found in this alternative store with Connor which both agreed to share on wearing and grabbed his phone from the pants he had worn yesterday before things got a little...crazy.

And being the good boyfriend he was, he grabbed all the clothes and pulled off the dirty bed sheets and walked over to the small and cramped laundry room across the hall Connor had shown him just once and tossed it in a hamper stored next to the actual machine, not knowing how to function it at all. After that he quickly grabs a comforter and makes the bed neatly as he wanted to make the food before he could come out the shower.

He finally makes his way towards the kitchen and ponders around before thinking what he was going to make, and gasps like a light bulb flickered in his mind — mac and fucking cheese. He scrambles towards the cupboards and opens whatever he could and thankfully, there were boxes of the small noodles and he took out one after setting out the pot.

Troye wasn't surprised when he could barely find the cheese - which he ended up finding cheddar all the way in the back of the fridge - and seeing a bit more than half of the milk still full and it expired the next day.  Tsking to himself, he took a few minutes to boil the noodles and shamelessly yelped at the large flame that came bursting at him.

He then returned to the stove after draining out the water with some salt and began grating loads of the cheese from its block form, letting it melt gracefully onto the noodles and stirred once in a while. By now he was giving himself pats in the back because he felt like a pro as he hadn't made any messes just yet. That and also he's been making this exact same recipe for years whenever he was home alone and he had to make food, which was most of the time.

After adding all the cheese and a bit of milk, he hears the water turn off from down the hall and Troye quickly stirs the holy cheesy goodness in the pot one last time before serving it in the white bowls on the counter.

He hears footsteps from down the hall and he returns back to the fridge once again to put away the milk and the small portion of the cheese and took out a container of orange juice to serve with it. "Troye?" He hears from down the hall.

GOLD & FLOWERS // tronnorWhere stories live. Discover now