37: The Blue Moon

Start from the beginning

Yomi: maybe.

Sousei: want to see the vessel I'm inheriting later on?

The door slides open and a teenager walks in " sousei."

Yomi: what is your name?

" I was told that wasn't necessary."

Sousei: it isn't. He is my vessel. Fast growing huh? I wonder how's your kyoya. How big has she grown?

Kage come in " please don't compare. This one , I have hasten the growth process."

Yomi: going against the flow ... used how many spirits?

Kage: just one. *Smiles* till now it's still amazes just one spirit can do how much.

Yomi: what name did you give him? Kage.

Kage: though it's unnecessary... I like to name my works. Lito.

(Lito pic)


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The blue moon hangs up high in the sky.... to humans it's a phenomenon worth to see. For the omnyojis... a day to seek...

Sousei: be a good girl and get me my body.

Yomi: where are the 1000 spirits?

" Hand." Kage asks. Yomi opens her palm. " I, kage will give you the key of 1000 spirits" he slaps her hand and a seal appears.

Yomi: you get money for this.

Kage shakes his hand " something even more interesting."

Yomi: I see.

Sousei: enough with the talking. Start.

Yomi draws a circle on the ground with a stick and stands in the middle of it. " The spirit portal controls all reincarnation. The very seal shall hold it all. Show to me the seal, I am himitsugami yomi."

A seal pattern starts drawing by itself on the ground. All the omnyojis start to gossip.

She places her hand with the seal kage gave her on the ground " I plead for the spirit portal to open. I of humble beginnings, would like to wish of some brazen. It may be just a humble offering, but of everything I can offer, please take this spirits and open. I only wish to see... him. Once more."

She retreats from the circle and the portal starts to take in the spirits and light starts to open up from the ground.

Sousei: we'll be waiting for you here.

" Will she?"

Kage: look what we have here.

Kisatsu: the heaven's servant. The most troublesome one too.

Kii: gomen. I came late. Looks like some shit got very big and now I have to clean it up.

" I wonder if you fight well. Koki. " Kisatsu's cleaver came to him.

Kii: look what I've brought.

Kyoya comes out from behind " mama!!!" Yomi's eyes widens " ... kyoya... why did you bring her here?!!!"

" Kiki." Kii calls out and a middle sized blade came to his hand. " You see..." he placed it to kyoya's throat "let's make this clean. Stop whatever you're doing yomi. That bastard over there is 101% going to make this world upside down. Don't make me kill her. Kyoya really seems so cute."

Yomi: kyoya... *tears fell*

Sousei: yomi!!!! You are a himitsugami !!! Your job is to fulfil request!!! Fulfill mine!!!

Kii: yo~~~mi~~ I have~~ kyoya~~~

That's when yato appeared" kyoya!!!.... yomi."

Yomi: yato!!

Kii: come on. Even if yato rushes over, just one slice, this little girl's spirit might come out. Or die. I've never seen a half god die before after all.

Yomi: don't do it!!! You can get kyoya out of here alive right?

Sousei: .... you stupid kii. Changing my game plans. You extra chess piece!!! Jura!!

Jura: azaref , listen to me. Take form , take her part, take sousei's part and go find our Master sousei.

" AHHHH!!!!" Yomi held onto head as she felt pain and collapses onto the floor. Yasumi spreads throughout her body. It was spreading fast.

Kii: tsk.

Kyoya: mama!! Mama!!!

Kii let's go of kyoya and kyoya runs towards yomi. Yato rushes towards kyoya's direction but his blade clanked against kisatsu's. " You again." Yato says.

Yomi: hi...ki.

Hiyori wraps around yomi " Yomi!!! Don't give up!!! Ahhh!!" Hiyori was getting spread too.

Jura: take form!!! Azaref!!!

Yomi: kyoya... don't let her come... near... hiyori.

Hiyori takes form and grabs onto kyoya "don't." Kyoya stretches out her arm " but mama... mama!!! She's in pain!!!"

Kii clashes with kage's cane " ya... you better not break. Giki. "

Gimon aka giki : will try Master.

Kii: metal with ... wood?

Gimon: sad to inform you, I'm not made of wood. Kii-san.

Yomi vomits.... a black blueish figure came out of her. Everyone stopped to look. It... looked... exactly like her. Except...  it only looked like her silhouette. It had no pupils has eyes. Even the mouth... it was just a hole. 

It laughed " hands. Legs." It looked to itself " I guess azaref should do his or her? I like her better. Should do her job. " And it walked into the portal.

Kii breaks kage's cane and kage retreat backwards " now what?"

Yato was also pushed back by kisatsu.

Kii: yomi!!! Close the portal!!!

Yomi: .... it's not... possible...

Kii: what do you mean?!!!

Yomi collapses to the floor out of exhaustion and faints.

Kii: what does she mean?!!! Kage!!!

Kage laughs " it's as she means!! It can't be closed. Until the blue moon is over. Which is... in a few minutes time. The blue moon doesn't really last that long either."

Sousei: shut up kage.

The black blueish figure... the thing that called itself azaref... it came out of the portal.

And behind that followed... was everyone's nightmare... sousei's spirit.

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