Marcus and Me | part 10

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-...and I love music and, well everybody calls me a crazy fangirl, I said
-And she has a boyfriend, mom said
-Mom, please he doesn't need to know that yet..
-I would still find out so it's okay!, he said
-So what is your name, you haven't told me that yet..
-Oh yeah, my name is Tom, tell me more about your boyfriend?
-Oh well, he lives in Trofors, Norway..
-Hey I lived in Trofors, my mom and I moved there when I was 5 years old!
-Wait what?! Okay umm, then I think you know Marcus and Martinus..
-Yes, their like my closest friends since I was 5 and they were at that point 1
-Okay well..
-Marcus is her boyfriend, mom said
-Mom why do you keep interrupting me?!
-Oh, you are? Nice, he told me, or yeah Tinus told me that he has a girlfriend or that he is talking to a girl but they didn't tell me who it is
-Okay, well now you know, mul said and laught and then Tom started laughing and took out his phone from his pocket and started texting someone.
-Who are you texting?, I asked
-Who do you think?
-Umm, I don't know
-Well I'm texting Mac telling him that I have met his girl 'cause he said "If you'd meet her you'd think she is great"
-Did he say that? He has never told me about his friends..
-Well maybe 'cause he thought you'd never meet me, well I met you
-Hahahaa so funny, did he answare yet?
-No, but look he sent you a message!
I looked at my phone, Tom was right Mac had sent me a text that said "WHAT IS TOM YOUR HALF-BROTHER, WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME HE IS LIKE MY BEST FRIEND!!", I texted Mac back: "Omg, please I just found out like under 5min ago that he even knew you.."
Someone calls Tom and Tom answares:
-Hi little Tin!
-Hi Tom, I heard somebody answare, what are you doing?
-Well I'm in the car with my so called new family
-Are they nice? I don't know why but Mac is crazy, he is running around the house screaming..
-Okay well don't worry little bro, they are nice and it is Macs girls family..
-WAIT WHAT?! That explains why he is so crazy..
-Okay, Tome said as he laught and now I understood that he was talking to Tinus
-Hi Tinus, I yelled
-Put me on speaker, I heard Tinus say
-Okay, Tom said
-Hi, is it nice to have Tom as your brother?
-Yes it is.. What is wwrong with Mac he ignores my last text..
-Oh yeah, Mac.. Well he kinda threw his phone, don't worry it didn't break but now he is running around and I can't figure out if he is angry or sad...

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