Marcus and Me | part 5

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At the airport I hugged my mom and went to the gate, there was 30 minutes left to my flight. I texted Mac: Hi, I'm coming to Strendene, that's about a 11 minute-drive from Trofors! My last day in Norway I'm coming to Trofors! Wanna meet me then? Miss U </3

   15 minutes later I got a message from Mac: Hi, so happy to hear, ofc we can, no WE ARE GOING TO MEET!! Miss you so much that my heart breaks </3

I texted him back directly: Please don't make me cry at the airport but see you in less than a week <3333

The  he answared: Well it's good that it's less than a week left <3

   I fell asleep in the plane even if it wasn't a long flight. When I arrived to the airport my frie d just ran to me and hugged me as hard as she could and we just started crying, we were so happy to see each other! When we were in the car on the way to her house we just talked about everything between heaven and earth and we just laught and then we were in her driveway. She had a beautiful house and when I stepped in her mum already had lunch ready and oh, did I mention, I was so hungry!

   At 3 pm we went up to my friends room and just started talking and eating candy and listening to music, like basic stuff you do? at least that was what all my friends would do.. At one point I got a snäp from Mac and I opened it and he asked what day we would meet so he knew if he would be home that day and I said Friday because today it was Wednesday and I was on fall break and I would fly home on Saturday.

   So we didn't do anything special on Thursday... On Friday morning we woke up at 8 am and I was going to leave at 10 am to meet Mac so she decided to help me get ready.

   In the car on the way to Trofors...


Part 6 coming 17.9.2016

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