Minhyun: A Date

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Your POV

It has been 5 years that we have been dating. That's how long we have been in love. In love with each other. We as in me and my boyfriend.

He is the lemon to my aid. He is the code to how I dress. He is the the chain that reals me in when I react. He is the guide to my star. He is the other heart that I yearned for before we started dating. And he is Minhyun.

The moment we hit off was precious. It was one midsummer night.

I decide to take a walk along the shoreline. The evening is beautiful since the background is a sunset. I brush my feet at the waterline; the water is chilly though. I swing my beige sandals in my left hand. The air is warm and the wind is blowing through my dark hair. I'm visiting the shore with my brother for the weekend. He is in college and wanted to come down to visit friends. He invited me along.

My phone starts ringing so I pick up. It's my brother Aron.


"_____, can you come back to the house please? I want to introduce you to them."

"Sure, I'll be back in 10 minutes."

I head back to the beach house that we are staying in for the summer. I wonder who exactly his friends are. What they look like. How they act. If they are are all guys or a mix of guys and girls. Or if they are girls.

I enter the door and step through to find one guy heading to the living room. He stops when he heard the door open. He is quite handsome. I shouldn't judge people on first looks though. And he is super tall compared to me.

I blink my way back to reality. I head to the living room and I guess Aron's friend starts walking again too. We end up sitting next to each other on the couch.

Aron then pulls me up from the couch and says, "Here is my sister _____. Please welcome her warmly."

I bow and say, "Please take care of me."

Aron then points out his friends. They smile and say hi to me.

I sit back down and Aron and his friends disperse. Except one. The one I saw before. His name is Minhyun.

"Aron actually has actually talked a lot about you. He told us how sweet and caring you are."

"That's nice of him," I say quietly.

Throughout the summer Minhyun and I were inseparable. We hit off and went on our own to different destinations. His friends made fun of him for spending so much time with me. They wanted to spend time with me to, which I did. I also made sure to spend a lot of time with my brother too since I don't get much time to see him anymore.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look at the caller ID which I see my boyfriend's name.


"Do you want to go out tonight?"

"Sure, why not."

"I'll be over in 5 minutes."

I gave Minhyun a key to my apartment so I don't mind if he walks in at any given moment.

I wait for him to get here before I get ready. I don't know where we are going.

I hear my door open and Minhyun calls for me. I walk to the front hallway. He ends up greeting me with a light kiss on the lips.

"Where exactly are we going today?"

"On a walk. You can wear what you are wearing right now," he says while smiling.

I lock my door and we head on our way. Minhyun grabs my hand as we exit the apartment complex. He opens the door of the car for me and then opens the rooftop. We are exposed to the open blue sky as we go one the highway. I take in the breeze and beautiful summer weather.

Nu'est One Shots {COMPLETED}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora