meeting the one

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It was a cloudy damp day not great weather to choose our regiments but I was beyond ready to choose and I knew i wanted to be in captain Levi's squad it was my destiny to be with him. "(Y/n). Hurry up I don't want to be late!" Petra yelled at me while shaking me violently. She was just as excised as me.

I followed her orders, slipping my brown boots on and going to open the door but I was beaten to it and then greeted by a very bounce oluo. "(Y/N) CAN YOU BELIEVE IT." He spoke as he fell to the floor biting his tonuge.
"Yes oluo I can believe it." I spoke helping him up which was difficult as I was shorter than petra. Eld entered shortly after with a very quiet Gunther shadowing him. "Come on we need to register quickly before its to crowed" eld spoke over the noise. Gunther noded in agreement.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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levi x reader yandere!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora