Chapter I

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Time is nothing -The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger.


"Kate?" The same accent I had been dreading to stumble upon was now awakening my dreaded dreams. I could tell you I was not happy hearing the accent again, it was like music to my ears, but I'd be lying, and you would be able to tell. I'd also be lying if I told you that a tsunami of guilt did not was over me when I herd his voice again.

I wanted to keep walking, pretend as if I never herd his voice, but I simply could't. My feet were cemented to the ground, my eyes still a little wide with shock as it took in his appearance. He looked more beautiful than he did back then. He had more tattoos than I remember, but he still looked like the boy I fell in love, the boy whose heart I broke, and the boy who I find myself still madly in love with him after all of it. If I could stop myself from feeling this way about him, I'm not so positive I would.

I didn't at all think he would remember me. I had always hoped he forgot about me, or at least all the bad that I had done to him. It was my goal to forget everything that had happened in the last year or so in my life, and sadly one of those memories that couldn't be drained was him. Standing here, facing him, didn't make it any better, nor did the fact I was still head over heels in love with him.

"Harry," his name rolled off my tongue in the tone of someone who was seeing a long lost loved one for the first time in years, but that's what I was at this moment.

"Long time," he said, his eyes fixated on mine the entire time.

"Yeah, h-how are you?" There were many things keeping me back from rushing into his arms, his tattooed covered arms. His body was a like a Picasso painting, abstract objects in colours that he seemed to have no shame in and I seemed to like.

"I'm good, yourself?" I could listen to him talk for years. His voice was beautiful, his singing was much better.

"I'm alright." The silence between was made me feel uneasy, and the way his eyes kept looking at me in utter shock and dismay, did not help at all.

I wanted him to continue the conversation but he didn't. With a simple nod and a murmured goodbye he left the scene, leaving me standing there for a while, trying to capture everything that happened in that short while. If I stood there any longer I would be late for work. I had to get going, Tom hated it when I'm late, and this week I've been late almost everyday, lacking motivation to get out of bed and make the walk to work.

The snow was beginning to let itself fall once again. I cursed myself for not bringing a thicker coat and gloves. This was one of the many reasons I had been late for work. As much as I loved winter I hated the way it felt but loved the way it looked on the trees and bushes, how it always somehow, sometimes, managed to have the perfect amount to make the tree branches look like they had tiny little crystals on them.

I opened the door to the small café that I enjoyed working at, yet always found myself late. The back of Tom's head was clearly visible and it seemed customers were already making their way in. Today was going to be another one of those days, filled with a morning rush but dead by lunch. My coat was placed on the hazelnut coloured coat rack, Tom claimed he made himself. My hands patted the short apron that I had placed around my waist, before I discreetly made my way over to the front of the café.

"Well, look who is on time for once," Tom said, patting my back making it seem like I was never on time.

"I got up a little early today." He nodded at my response before turning his attention to one of the customers.

"We have a new guy coming in today, I want you to train him." Tom's head turned back towards me. I nodded, grabbing the tray to gather up the dirty dishes left by old customers.

Time {H.S}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя