Chapter 2

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"Dangerous for a woman yet not for a man? I laugh at your foolishness", she sneers. "I'm quite fine on my own, thank you." Evangeline went to pass by the man, until she felt a hand gripping onto her shoulder.
"I meant not to insult you, young miss. I only wish to help", she heard the man say. "You seem exhausted and hungry, I thought to give you shelter till you were well again." Evangeline thought about the offer and declined. "I really must be going. There's a beast amongst these woods and I'd like to be home before it begins to hunt once more."
"More reason to allow my service", the man said. "I couldn't leave you out here to starve and be fed to such a creature." She thought more on the offer. 'He's right. I'm not prepared, I knew not that today would be a hunt. It seems I'll have to give in.', she thought. "Very well", Evangeline says. "Perhaps one night shall not be a pain. But only till the marrow" "Yes, of course. Follow me, young miss." And with that Evangeline and the man made their way to the man's home.
It was some time before Evangeline saw an old looking cabin, the outside adorned with thorns and dead grass. The man opens the door as she steps inside. "I'll prepare a stew.", he says and closes the door. "You may lay on my bedding if you please." "Yes, thank you", she replied looking around the small room. The walls were bare and filthy, the floors creaked with every other step taken, and the stove was covered in sut. Evangeline sat upon the man's bed as he came over and handed her a cup of water. She bowed her head in thanks and begins to gulp down the drink.
"How long were you out there, if I may ask", he spoke. "Since the sun rose", she says, placing the cup on the ground by her feet. "What were you doing?", he asked. "Picking herbs. I plan to make medicine for all the cattle and swine in my village." "Are they ill?", the man asked. "Very much so", she says back.
Moments later she's handed a piece of bread and a bowl of steaming hot stew. Carefully, she brings the wooden spoon up to her mouth and takes a sip. "This is quite good", she compliments. "Thank you", the man says back. "It's an old recipe." Evangeline looks around the room once more but, this time realizing the lonely feeling it gives off. "Do you live here alone", she asks, taking in another spoonful of stew. "Yes", he answers. "Since I could remember."
Evangeline started feeling sad for the young man. "Why is that?", she asked. The man looks over to her, his voice low. "I'm not wanted. I'm said to be a disgrace." Evangeline puts the spoon into the bowl and sets it on the floor where she put the cup. "They speak the same of me in my village", she mutters. She lightly places her hand onto his shoulder. "But just because it is said, does not mean it is true.", she smiles at the man."What is your name?" "Shia", he says. "Well then Shia, I believe you aren't a disgrace. You're kind and noble. I really must thank you for your hospitality." Shia smiles a bit and looks up at the woman in front of him. "And so, what do I call you, young miss?", he timidly asked. "I go by many names, most not so clever", she jokes. "But, by birth I am Evangeline."
From that day forth, Evangeline would visit Shia at his small cabin hidden in the woods. The two grew to be the best of friends and often spent lots of time with one another. Even after the day Shia told her his darkest secret, Evangeline stood by his side.
She understood what he was, but she also knew who he was. To her, Shia was a kind soul. He only wished for peace and prosperity not destruction and chaos. She loved the young man, no matter he was a beast. Evangeline thought 'if those men can mistreat and corrupt our village with volgary and still live, then why couldn't someone humble and caring be treated like a human? Beast or not, they deserve that chance. As Shia does even if he are to be a vampire.'
Their days were filled with joy and merry, until a stranger strolled into the village. Since then, Shia hadn't seen Evangeline and he began to worry.

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