His shoulder and arms were strong. He had muscles but not so much they were intimidating. I wondered what his chest and torso felt like if his arms were this firm. There had only been one incident where I had seen his chest. He was taking off his shirt before he was going to bed one night. I was walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth and I caught sight of him changing. He didn't see me, but I scurried and shut the door before he could see. My heart raced after that and it was hard to forget about it. He had a sculpted chest with clearly defined muscles. I shook off those thoughts before I washed my face with cold water.

My eyes were drooping closed and I fought the afternoon nap my body wanted. I hadn't made a pot of coffee that morning and it was something I was desperately craving.

I nudged his arm and he moved his head to look down at me. "Will you go get some coffee?"

"Alone?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Why don't you come with me?" He reached for the remote and paused the movie.

I wanted to get out of the house. I hadn't left the property in over a week. "I can't leave Mother..."

He looked at me and with one eyebrow arched. "She'll be okay for a few minutes, Vi."

I was unsure. "We'll see if she thinks she'll be okay on her own." I hopped up from the couch and pulled him up with me.

We walked down the hallway and opened the door to her room. She was sleeping with the television on. We moved the one from the den into her room since she was stuck in her bed almost permanently.

"See," he whispered. "She's sleeping. She'll be okay. Besides the nurses will be here in an hour so someone will be here soon."

I couldn't fight the feeling of unease in my stomach. It didn't feel right leaving her alone when she was so sick. She couldn't die alone.

Jack pulled me out of the room and pulled the door shut until it clicked. "It is going to be a quick trip, Violet. You need to get out of this house. You haven't left it in too long of a time."

He was right. But that did not make leaving her any easier. I reluctantly went up to my room and changed into jeans, a t-shirt, and a zip up hoodie. I threw on a pair of Converse sneakers before jogging down the stairs.

Jack waited in the entry way with his car keys in hand. He took hold of my hand and led me out to the car. He had gotten touchier as we grew closer. But not in a bad way. He never touched anything other than my hands, face, and occasionally my knee. He had gotten into the habit of holding my hand any chance he got. While it sent flames to my cheeks, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to him.

I climbed into his car and after he put the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life, I changed it to the indie radio station. By luck, one of my favorite songs was on. Jack had spent enough time with me that I felt comfortable enough to sing. No matter how horribly.

He pulled up to the locally owned coffee shop and killed the engine. It wasn't very busy when we walked in. There were a few patrons outside on the patio in black suits talking quietly amongst themselves. Inside there was only a couple people that were dotting the couches and tables.

Jack ordered and paid for both of us. I tried to pay for my own, but he refused. I said a quiet thank you and stepped to where we waited for the drinks. I tried to avoid the curious stare of the barista and looked down at my shoes.

A few minutes later we were handed our coffees and were walking out to his car when we were stopped.

"Violet Callow," a deep voice called that wasn't Jack's.

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