Wierd, I know

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I cannot believe it, where are we and why are we standing in front of what seems to be the younger versions of our parents? Oh my god! That's dad, and uncle Fred! Thee uncle Fred, the twin my father cries for, they ARE identical!

"Teddy?" Lily whimpered while tugging on his shirt, her bottom lip was trembling and her green eyes were watering. He slightly turned and picked her up. His movements seemed to startle these people because they raised their wands up higher. "Relax, I am just picking her up.." Lily laid her head on his shoulders still looking frightened.

"Who are you people and how did you even find this place?" A man, who I recognize as Remus Lupin, spoke up still holding his wand up. Teddy seemed to have noticed as well because his eyes flashed a bit of sadness and his hair turned a mousy brown. Everyone gasped at his sudden change kind of backing away. "Um, well" Victoire, who had be oddly quiet, spoke up. "It's kind of weird, I know but we kind of are from the year 2017, and we well not us her-" she slightly pointed at me. Jeez thanks a lot.

"Found this." She held up the golden chain thingy. "It fell on the floor, and now we're here." Everyone was trying to take in what Vic had just said. "It's a time turner!" Young aunt Hermione exclaimed trying to make her way towards us but uncle Ron held her back shaking his head.

"So what you're trying to say is that you guys- well YOU" The man who I recognize as Sirius Black pointed directly to me.
"YOU found a time turner and then you guys dropped it, tried to meddle with it after you dropped it, and then you guys ended up here..in the year 1996?"  Great, we went back almost 20 years.

"Yeah, pretty much." I shrugged my shoulders looking down at my boots. "Well um I'm guessing you guys know who we are." there was another sudden thump behind us causing us to turn around, it was just little Hugo. WAIT?! WHAT?! HUGO?!

"What are you doing here?! How did you even- What?!" My thoughts slipped right out of my mouth. He looked up at me with tears eyes. "Oh crap! I forgot they had left him too, because he was still asleep!" Teddy face palmed him self groaning at how stupid he had been.

"How did you get here?" Victoire asked softly. "I was walking into the kitchen and the I saw you there and then the noise and then you guys left, and then I was alone. Now I'm here." He was now crying at the fact that he was left alone. Victoire picked him up rubbing his back to calm him down a bit.

"Oh Hun we would never leave you alone..we were just- well I didn't even know you were home." She sent Teddy a death glare. Which caused him to look around like if he had not seen it.
"Great we seem to be dealing with two-three teenagers and 2 kids from the future. What are we going to do?" A man with a very crazy looking eye walked to the front, at this point everyone had lowered there wands for the sake of the little ones.

"How do we know we could trust them mad eye?" A young Uncle Harry asked holding onto this so called 'Mad eye' hm makes sense. "Well Harry they do have the time turner with them." Well aunt Hermione is really smart after all, pointing the obvious that uncle Harry didn't seem to acknowledge.  "Yeah Hermione, but they could be death eaters in disguise for all we know!"

Uncle Ron, you're such a drama queen. "Yeah, we don't even know your names." It was the first time one of the twins spoke and I know it was not dad, it was uncle Fred.. I can't explain how I know this I just know. "Care to introduce yourselves?" Asked a younger looking Grandma. "Eeeerm, can we have a moment..please?" I asked quietly and very politely.

Teddy knew what I meant, we cannot just barge in here and be like "oh yes we are your future kids" and expect them to be okay with it. We can't mess things up that much, come on these people are probably a year or two older than I am am and probably two years younger than Teddy and Vicky. "For what?" Sternly asked Mad eye.

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