Natures Substance

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  “Fluere!” a voice very familiar screams, shattering the peaceful silence in my house. Ugh! How I dislike my ‘unique’ name. My parents, originally from Ancient Greece, decided to name me Fluere, meaning ‘flow’. Long story short, my parents said I flowed right out of my mom’s tummy, without any problems; whatever that means. During the 18st century, people couldn’t pronounce my name correctly.  It really turned my mood sour after correcting them countless times. Once I found an appropriate name, I changed it to Fluorine. Apparently my so called ‘buddies’, from the same period of time as me: Boron, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Neon never forgot my childhood name. Soon after other Elements, meaning human just born with powers, and become immortal between the ages of eighteen and twenty five, joined our group: Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine and Astatine; started to catch on, on how much it annoyed me. At least they knew how to pronounce it correctly.

     “What!” I growled loudly.

     “Where are you?!” Astatine , a seventeen year old, best friend of mine yelled out.

     I sighed, “In the kitchen!” A few seconds later he arrived, smirking as usual when he found me in the position I’m in. With my left hand on the refrigerator, and a sandwich in my right.

    He chuckled, “Guess you need to re-load hu?”

    I puffed my cheeks out; he always caught me at the wrong time reloading. The process went like this, whenever an element has to reload, usually when they feel weak or somewhat lightheaded, they have to touch an object that has the same material their powers have. Luckily mine is found almost everywhere; in refrigeration uses, toothpaste and air conditioning vents, but one of the warnings that we are told at a young  age is not to eat our own substances. Meaning, I have to be extra careful not to drink “cheap” bottled water that is cleaned with fluoridated stuff, and not swallowing toothpaste by accident.

     “Whatever, what do you want anyways” I spat angrily.

     He raised both his hands up in surrender, “Jeez, for a seventeen year old your moody a lot. I’m only here to ask you something.”

     I sighed, “Sorry, so what’s up?”

    “You heard there’s a new element in town hu?” I nodded in response, “ Now did you know its Helium?” he spat the name with disgust. 

     Hearing the name Helium made me shudder. Why you may ask? Well he killed my parents… and Astatine’s.  You see just because he’s the second most important in the noble gases, he does whatever pleases him. Apparently, he didn’t like my family, like so much others, and killed them.

     Memories started to flood back, making my temper snap, “What is he doing here?!” I screamed.

     He backed up, knowing that I can get very physical when I’m mad, “That’s the thing I’m not sure”

      I took deep and controlled my anger, I don’t know how Astatine doesn’t get mad at all, “Why aren’t you mad? He killed our parents you know”

     He shrugged, “Well, I was thinking if you and I can get him back… make him regret that he killed out parents”

      I thought about this for a while. Making my mind explore the possibilities on how this can go well… or how it can end badly. “How can we destroy him though?”     

     He took a deep breath and answered back, “Well we have to look up his weaknesses such as his boiling point... melting him to a liquid… slowly and quickly…”

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