She, the shine.

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"It stopped raining." she said quietly. I nodded taking my eyes of the floorboards of that lonely platform to glance at her once more before my train inevitably got here. She turned toward me and laughed. Why was she laughing? "You look like a mess, you cant go on the train like that." I shrugged, what she didn't know was i went on the train everyday looking like this. It wasnt as if i cared. "Come on," She stood up and took my hand, the last time i had physical contact, was days before i left for college five years ago. I think that was last the time i stopped talking, even though i don't really remember why, i think maybe the anxiety stole my voice, although that's impossible..... well maybe possible. On instinct i snatched my hand away and glared at her darkly. She looked hurt, "Oh sorry you don't like contact do you? Ah sorry i should've checked." She giggled nervously. I nodded slowly and turned away to stare at my lonely station again. I called it my lonely station for the exact reason i called myself lonely, no one really stayed through out everything, not even the little man that handed out tickets. That wasn't the real reason of course, the real reason it is lonely is because i myself was lonely and therefor wanted to associate that thing with something familiar. She sighed a little when i didn't turn to face her again  then she turned around and walked away that day, that cold rainy day in September with a little sun poking out. 

Finally the train had arrived, I boarded and listened to the train as it ran along the tracks. Everyone had their faces in something, their phones, papers, books. I think that another way people stay sane. If they truly heard everything that happened in the world every little sound, and saw every little picture like i do. They would go insane at the amount of everything there is. I don't really know how even i don't explode, but somehow i don't and so i'll keep seeing i think at least until i do explode. In fact maybe that how my little insanity started, because i listened too hard and saw to much.... it made me not want to talk, it made me not want to touch....maybe. 

*the next day* 

"Class may I have your attention, this is your new classmate." I kept my eyes trained on the homework in front of me, i had forgotten to finish the last paragraph and was not particularly interested in the newest member of the class as they would never actually talk to me.  That was until I heard their voice as they introduced themself to the class, it was light and melodic, exactly like the girl who sat next  to me yesterday.

 "Hello," My head snapped up, "I am ," I saw her standing there, "My name," She looked at me, "Is Bella Marie D'qaun. Thank you for having me in your class." She smiled and winked as I sat there staring at her. Why did she wink?

"Miss D'quan you can sit next to Avalon there," Oh no. Of course, lets stick the new kid with the person everyone avoids that is an amazing plan, Mr. Estue how smart of you. Bella moved to walk up the stairs to the back where i sat. She sat her stuff down next to me and put her hand  out to me as if to shake it. 

"Hi Avalon, seems we meet again ." I nodded and continued on my paragraph. "I was wondering yesterday but i didn't want to seem rude, is there a reason why you don't talk?" I shook my head slowly and ignored her the rest of the class as if her mere presence could destroy my every cell. She smelled like vanilla and cookies, which made my head swim more than perfume usually did for some reason. My usual thoughts disappeared around her.  I hated it.

As class ended and i packed up my things, i could feel the anxiousness rolling off Bella. I looked at her and noticed her picking at the skin around her nails, the epitome of nervousness. She looked at me slowly and started to talk before breaking into  smile. "So. Do you have any plans this afternoon?" i shook my head and turned away to grab my stuff and leave. "Ah Avalon?" I stopped "Do you want to get tea with me?" The one person i hated, the one person who embodied shine herself, she seemed to like me.   

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