Chapter Two

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No one knows about my plan. In fact, I told my mom I would skip college a year and live with her, getting a job as a well paid photographer. I've never picked up a camera in my life. I'm running away from Vermont, to New York tonight. I'm not telling anyone because I don't want anyone looking for me. (not that they would) But just in case. I can forget about everything here. I'll miss my friends, but when I get there and get a house and a steady job, i'll call them and talk to them. I know they won't care that much to call the cops and haved me traced, so it's safe.

I stuff the cash in my book bag and lift up my window. Goodbye home. I stick one leg out the window and look back at my room. I have a lot of memories in this house. I'm going to miss it. I duck my head and climb out the rest of the way. I walk carefully down to the roofs edge, putting my phone and charger and earbuds in my back pocket, throwing my book bag down to the ground. I swing my leg over the edge gripping the roof, swinging my other leg over. For a split second I lose my grip on the roof and let out a small yelp looking around for anybody. All clear. I let go of the roof and plummet to the ground landing safely. I've had to sneak out a few times before so i'm use to it now. My feet don't sting that much anymore. I take a deep breath and grab my bag slinging it over my shoulder, running away from my childhood memories. I keep running until I get to school. I'm going to school to see my friends one last time and get my stuff from my locker. Also I was keeping some money there too in case Hallie found my stash and decided to go on a shopping spree. The day before I had brought some clothes and put them in my locker and my gym locker and my trombone case. I might of went a little far on the planning because the only reason i joined band was so i could leave my instrument at the school and put the clothes and anything else in my case. I also brought some snacks and two other pairs of shoes in my book bag. I walk into the school taking my phone and earbuds from my back pocket, plugging the earbuds in hitting shuffle on my playlist. I put the earbuds in and skip breakfast going to my locker, the locker room, and the band room getting everything ready for the end of the day. I put them in the janitor's closet, the janitor never goes in there... he's a really really bad janitor. Once i'm done with that, I go to my block one and wait for the day to start.

Block one, english. Block two, biology. Then lunch. I sit with my friends acting as normal as possible trying not to think about how this would probably be the last day we saw each other. I fill up on as much food as possible so I don't have to spend money on any later and even take a few bags of chips and candy bars and stick them in my bag. Block three, algebra. Block four, band. I text my mom i'm going to the library after school to return some books. I walk to the janitor's closet grabbing my stuff and exiting the school. Graduation is tomorrow at eleven am. Too bad I won't be here for it. I unlock my phone and send some texts and scroll through Instagram one last time. I turn off my phone and kiss it trying not to think of all the funny memes I have saved in my gallery. I toss my phone in the trash and start walking to the subway. By car it's about thirteen minutes, so it takes me about thirty-three minutes to get there. I buy my ticket and wait for my train reading Finding Alaska by John Green. I was so wrapped up in the book I didn't even notice someone standing over me. In my mind all I was thinking was Shit Shit Shit. But as I looked up I let out a sigh of relief seeing a cute tall boy with dark brown hair instead of my mom. I don't know what I would've done if it was my mom. I look at the boy and study his features. He has chocolate freckles, the cute kind. Dark brown hair and electric green eyes. He has a nice jawline and his hair is styled kinda like Dylan O'Brien's hair. He's wearing dark grey pants with a black Nike sweatshirt along with Black Adidas shoes. He's not so much as cute, but hot. And his eyes are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. He gives me a killer smile and winks noticing me checking him out. I blush and let my black hair fall over my blue eyes. "Where you headed," he says smirking at me. His voice sounds like Leonardo Dicaprio and Robert Pattinson had a baby. I brush the hair out of my eyes and look at him. "Uhm... New York, what about you?" For a split second he looks surprised. "Same place," he says smiling. I smile back and start tapping my feet on the ground quietly. It's what I do when I get nervous. "Uh, can I sit down," he asks. I think about it for a few seconds. Who is he. What does he want with me, no one has even been interested in me. Did my mom send him or something. Maybe he's some creep that tricks girls into following them somewhere and then... Stop. You're being paranoid. I look at him again and something hits me like a truck. He looks so familiar. I hadn't noticed it until now. Does he go to my school. Had I seen him at the library before, he doesn't look like the type of the guy that would go to the library. Or maybe I had seen him at band camp. Again, he doesn't seem like that kind of person. "Do I know you," I ask looking at him more intently trying to remember where I saw him. A look of panic crosses his face then he covers it with a smile. My head turns into a worry. Who is he, why did he seem panicked that I would remember him. Maybe he used to be one of the boys that would put worms in my lunch in fifth grade. But I wouldn't expect him to remember me. That was like eight years ago. It can't be one of them. "No, no I don't think so. I just uh... you looked lonely. I didn't mean to bother you, you're just cute and yeah... i'll go." he looks at me intently looking me over before turning around. "Wait," I say grabbing the back of his shirt. I don't know what motivated me to want him to stay or grab his shirt. It's not like me. He turns around looking at me curiously. My mouth goes dry. I don't know what to say. "I-I'm s-sorry... I didn't mean to um, grab your sh-shirt," I studder with wide eyes. He laughs. "Is that a yes?" "Yes," I say without thinking. What's causing me to be like this. He doesn't seem so bad now. He smiles and sits down. "So, what's in New York," he asks looking over at me with his killer smile again. I gulp and bite my lip. Should I tell him why i'm really going. It's not like it would matter, he doesn't know me or my family. "A new life. I'm eighteen now and i wanna get away from my family and Vermont." He nods his head and says, "Oh." "And you," I ask. "Oh y'know... i'm going the same reason why most people go. Got a job there. Lawyer," he says. "Oh, that's cool," I say smiling. "Yup," he says putting his hands in his pockets. A lawyer? He seems a little young to be a lawyer. "How old are you," I ask trying to sound casual. "Nineteen-" he pauses realizing what i'm getting at. "-i'm really smart- at least that's what everyone says. I've been studying for years. I went to college early. I'm basically a prodigy kid," he laughs awkwardly. "Oh, wow," I say. "Hey uh, can i buy you a drink," he asks pointing over at the cafe. "Sure," I say smiling. He smiles too and gets up. "What do you want?" "Coke please," i say. He nods and walks over to the cafe. I put my book back in my bookbag along with my charger. He sits down next to me and hands me my drink. More money being saved. I smile lightly. "Thanks" "No problem," he says taking a sip of his own drink. I take a drink of mine too and smile at him. "Where did you go to highschool at?" I ask taking another sip. "Castlecove, it's a small town here.," he says taking out his phone checking the time. "The train will be here soon," he says. I nod. "I live-lived in Lionsport. Been there my whole life," i say. "Lionsport, how is it?" I shrug my shoulders. "Just your basic town. Nothing special. We have this parade every two years where everyone is naked," I laugh awkwardly. "But other then that, it's pretty normal." He laughs. "My town doesn't have that parade, but we have a parade where people go around driving in Cadillacs throwing candy out to the crowd. It's kinda like a early Halloween for the kids," he says smiling looking at his hands. "Just Cadillacs?" "Yeah, our town is famous for the best Cadillacs and it's a tradition," he says. "Oh that's-" I look up as the train screeches to a stop. "Cool," I finish. I grab my bag and my trombone case and stand up taking my ticket from my back pocket. I look over at him to see him pick up his bag and then check his phone again. "Wanna sit together on the train," I ask smiling. He looks at me with a big grin and nods his head. We walk over to the train waiting for people to file in. When we get in, we walk around looking for an empty seat. We find one in the back and he takes my bag and case and puts it up in the luggage carrier along with his bag. "Oh thank you, but you didn't need to do that," I say sitting down. "Of course I did and you're welcome," he says sitting down and grinning. I smile. I look over at him curiously. "Hey, I never got your name," I say. He laughs and smirks. "It's Sethaniel... but you can call me Seth." I smile.

Okay. Chapter two. So far only two views, but I have hope... I think. For anyone reading this please tell people about it, well if you like it then tell people please. So yeah, chapter two kinda gives you the feel of the book I think. Also I think it's way more interesting then chapter one. As I said before I'll be updating it every weekend (hopefully... more then likely) I already have another chapter written that I could update this weekend. So if you want me to, just comment please. Thanks butter nuggs. I seriously feel like I'm talking to myself. Oh well, wouldn't be the first time...

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