Bionicle kallu chapter 8

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The Toa Kallu were going down a the trail to Ga-Koro the trail getting more moist as it progressed "I swear I could sink fall through at any minute" said Garan, Dalu looked back "what's wrong Garan?" She said smugly "you an aquaphobic?", Garan took offense to this "No I just don't like water" he said, "Sure" Dalu said sarcastically, Balts came up behind them "you 2 are like a married couple always squabbling like Kahu over a nut" he said, Dalu summoned a water jet " don't make me put out you fire Balta!" She yelled, Balta shut his trap. Suddenly a ga-matoran named tani ran up to the Toa "ga-koro is being attacked by unknown rahi" she said, Dalu took out her bow and arrow " let's go boys... and gal" Dalu said, the Toa ran to ga-Koro when they got there the place was in shreds, two large, grey, humanoid rahi were wandering the area "well this is interesting" Velika said "I wonder how they would react to getting hit by a mace" the Toa of stone took out his mace and charged at the smaller of the two creatures, but the spiked ball bounced off like a rubber ball on a table, " WHAT ARE THESE THINGS MADE OUT OF ROCK?" Velika yelled, Kazi looked at his rahi catalog "those are rahi called stone guardians they are very rare, and yes they are made of rock Velika" Kazi said "their rarity is probably why the residents of ga-koro didn't recognize them" Balta took out his axe " let's see if they can survive this" the Toa of Fire said, he tried to cut the guardians in half but his axe ended up breaking " wow" he said in amazment "they should be magma by now", Kazi looked down at his catalog monitor "it appears they have a spell on them, it should come off is they're pushed into water" Kazi said putting down the monitor "well that oddly convenient", Velika slammed his fist together and then SPLASH, the two rahi fell into the water that supported
ga-koro ,Dalu dived in.

Dalu went to the bottom of the the river the Guardians were nowhere to be seen "I can't see a thing down here" she said, suddenly her mask started to glow, Dalu's sight began to clear "never mind" she said, she saw a decommissioned maxilos robot (formally belonging to Toa hydraxon) lying on the ground "there's and old maxilos down here" she said. Back on the surface the eye in Balta's mask started glowing "I sense that Dalu's about to be in trouble" he said. (Start music now) suddenly the robot started to stand up "um this thing is moving" she said, she took out her bow and loaded and an arrow. The robot slammed its spear down, Dalu shot the arrow at the robots head causing it sight to be knocked out. The robot retaliated by shooting a full magazine of cordak torpedos Dalu dodged all by one which struck her leg "graaa mata nui that hurt" she yelled. Dalu threw her harpoon at the mechanical menace knocking off part of it's chest armor "well that went well" she said loading another arrow. The maxilos covered it's chest and eye but launched another magazine of torpedoes this time Dalu dodged all of them " ha ya missed me" she said launching an arrow into the chest cavity causing robot to explode.
     A little while later all the ga-matoran and turaga Hahli returned "thank you Toa for getting rid of those rocky monstrosities" Hahli said, Balta stood up strait "it's our pleasure ma'm" he said, Hahli chuckled "your next stop is the cave of onu-koro be carful the creatures there are very dangerous" she said. So the Toa Kallu were off to onu-koro Garan's home.

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