Bionicle Kallu chapter 1

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In the time before time the great spirit mata nui and his brother teridax lived in harmony determining the fates sentient beings. One day teridax became jealous of mata nui's status as the spirit of life and did not want to be the spirit of death anymore and attacked mata nui putting him into a deep slumber, the creators ekimu and takakana enraged by teridax's act turned teridax into a beast of unimaginable horrors and was forced to guard his brother and keep him from waking which he did for thousands of years until he was defeated by the toa and a new realm of peace was brought along, but this peace was not meant to last as teridax returned as a mega titan and wreaked chaos once again in the end teridax was slammed into aqua magna causing aqua magna and bara magna to collide and create a new world known as baraqua magna this very story takes place on this very island.

This story starts off in a desert a strange mask landed on the ground and curious matoran named Izga discovered it being overrun with curiosity he took off his mask and put on this... unusual one, the mask was a shiny black as if it had been polished mere minutes ago a cage covered the mouth hole and the eyes had a glare that could be imbedded in your mind for years, when Izga put on the mask a rush of energy went through him he felt... powerful like he could kill anyone "What happened to me i feel light headed." izga said, he looked down he had 4 arms it was then he realized he was a toa demon a monster with multiple arms that wear the mask of death "the mask of death!" Izga said "i am power I am death". we now go to new ta-koro and another matoran named Balta. This matoran was hard working and loved to help, one day when he was loading wood into the furnace he saw the face of toa tahu who at the time was in hibernation "Young Balta a new evil has arisen go to the temple of toa 5 other matoran will be there." said the flaming image of tahu balta squinted "Toa Tahu what is this evil" Balta asked the flaming shape of the toa of fire burned even more " No questions" tahu said Balta nodded.

The other 5 matoran that Tahu was talking about were Dalu, Garan, Kazi, Velika, and Piruk. Dulu was spunky never backing down from a fight and always wanted to protect her people. Garan was courageous and when these 6 matoran were a scouting legion he was the leader he put himself at the front line to protect his fellow matoran. Kazi was intelligent but quiet he knew almost every type of plant rahi and planet in the magna system but would rarely speak but when he did he would say it for all to hear it was usually something important. Velika was very strong and loyal he could lift up very heavy things that most matoran could not but yet was loyal to Garan mostly using his strength on request unless he knew it was urgent. Piruk was always worried when he was put under anxiety he would chew on his claws but yet he was kind he cared for everyone and was all around a nice guy to hang out with. When Balta arrived at the temple of toa the other 5 matoran were there "what took ya so long balta" velika said stubbornly dalu interfered with this comment "VELIKA" she said angrily at the po-matoran, Garan stood up from the step he was sitting on "Matoran we were called here by the toa for a reason unknown we will find out and woah!" Garan said as he was cut of by a message it was toa takanuva "Young matoran you have been chosen to become toa to reawaken us so we can stop this evil each of have a mask that will be assigned to you represented by the nuva symbols" takanuva said as the massage deactivated. "ladies first" velika said sarcastically dalu gave velika a mean glare and picked up the mask marked by Gali's nuva symbol the kanohi mula mask of water vision giving the wearer the ability to see clearly underwater. Garan picked up the mask marked by Onua's nuva the kanohi kaki mask of heat vision allowing the wearer to see heat signatures with the sight on the mask. Kazi picked up the mask marked with Kopaka's nuva symbol the kanohi kekora mask of telepathy which allows the wearer to read the minds of others making lying useless. Velika quickly picked up the mask marked by Pohatu's nuva symbol the kanohi haja mask of isolation which allows the wearer to create a small room that traps there enemies isolating them and driving them to insanity. Piruk slowly picked up the mask marked with Lewa's nuva symbol the kanohi norak mask of scent which allows the wearer to smalls scents from far away it has the smell power better than a bloodhound. Finally Balta picked up the mask marked with Tahu's nuva symbol the kanohi shaksa mask of extrasensory which allows the wearer to sense things seconds before they happen.

The matoran put on the masks causing their limbs to extend and pistons to connect their upper torsos to their lower torsos they were the toa kallu, just then turaga jaller came in "you are now the toa kallu now go and awaken the toa for your journey has only just begun" Jaller said pointing his staff at each of them

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