In no time I pulled up to the trap. The boys I could hear were having a great time. I walked in and saw strippers on the table and loose ones flying eveywhere.

"Stop!" I yelled as I stood there. Everyone stopped and looked my way. 'Drew's got Kira." I reached for my bandana; tied it tight just below my eyes and pulled up my hood.

"What?!" Decari said as he stood up, pushing one of the strippers off his lap

"I didn't stutter. You heard me loud and clear." I watched as all the guys started to slip on their bandanas and hoods. "Anyone have any idea where the hell he would have taken her?" The one thing about Drew, is he can be in multiple places at once, at least that's what it seems. He was fast and always one step ahead of the game.

"I'm guessing anywhere where it's dark, secluded, and abandoned." Marcel said

"Try his old trap first. Ace and I will look through the outskirts and we'll start from there. We don't have much options and sitting here talking is only wasting time." Decari said as he tossed me a gun

"Alright let's go." We split off and went into seperate cars. I could have been wrong, Drew could have had absolutly nothing to do with Kira, but I had a strong feeling he did. Knowing Kira was in the hands of Drew, I could only imagine what he could be doing to her.

~Kira P.O.V.~

I was sitting in a dark room. My wrists were tied to the bed that I was laying on and I was in a terrible amount of pain.

After being put in the car, one of the other guys in the car covered my nose and mouth with a cloth and I blacked out. I don't know how long it's been and I don't know what happened but my heart sank when I realized I had absolutly no clothes on or anything.

I felt hot tears start to trail down my cheeks and my soft sobs began to add noise to the silent room. I just wanted to be at home in my bed, snuggled under the covers with Joey right there with me. But instead I was in a room, exposed, in pain, and cold.

A beam of light came from the door and someone walked in. I tried to curl into the fetal position to try and hide my naked body but couldn't bare with the pain that came along with being the fetal position.

"You know, my boys told me they had fun with you. They didn't expect you to still be a virgin since you were with Ol Joey." He said with a little laugh. He shut the door so it was once again complete darkness. I felt my heart racing incredibly fast, I could hear the heartbeats pulsing through my ears. "Kira right? That's such a gorgeous name for such a gorgeous girl" He said as he rubbed along my inner thigh. It was then that I realized, not only was I tied at the wrists but I had something covering my mouth restricting me from making any kind of noise. I felt my body trembling with every place he let his hand roam around my body.

I wasn't prepared for what had happened next. I would have much rather just stayed tied to the bed in complete solitude.

~A Few Hours Later~

I laid there on the cold wet stone floor crying. My entire body stung, everytime I breathed, it only allowed the discovery of new spots where pain was. They had whips, chains, barbed wire and just found any creative way to torture me with it. I felt cuts all along my back ooze with blood. My own tears were mixing with the blood that stained my cheeks. I felt weak and powerless.

Again I heard the door open and at this point I just didn't even care. If anything I wanted them to just finish me off.

"Joey! Come back here now!" I heard the guy say. I couldn't lift my head up to see who it was but I heard Joey's name.

"Why?! Drew back there?!" I heard a voice that didn't sound familliar. What if Joey was also the name of one of the guys who had abused and taken advantage of me?

"Nah, come look." I heard his footsteps walk out but a new set of footsteps took his place. I felt the breeze brush passed my bare skin as he walked up to me. My eyes were closed and too heavy to be opened. I felt the tape being removed from my mouth.

"Oh my God. Kira." I heard that voice again that was so unfamiliar. It was a dark mysterious voice that had anger behind it. "Kira, it's Joey. Wake up." He said as he gently touched my arm but I screamed in complete pain. That slight touch made me jerk away from him. "Kira it's okay, it's just me." He said in the voice I recgonized. I finally managed to open my eyes and saw only a pair of eyes looking at me. He pulled back his hood and pulled down his bandana revealing that soft sweet face of his. He kept his eyes locked on me but I felt so ashamed, here I was completelty exposed and mutuallated. "Here" He pulled off his sweat shirt and shirt and gently put them on me. The warmth of his clothes felt just amazing. To be engulfed in his scent made me feel safe. I was finally at the end of this nightmare. "I'm going to pick you up and put you in the car with Decari, okay?" He said so calmly. I nodded my head and he carefully picked me up bridal style.

I wrapped my arms as tight around his neck as possible. His bare chest was just radiating with heat and I swear, I didn't ever want to let go.

He jogged out of the room and down a long hall before setting me down in the car.

"I'll be right back, just stay here with her alright?" He said to Decari who wrapped me in a blanket and held me securly in his arms.

"We'll get you home in a few. Joey wants to find Drew for himself" He said in a quiet relaxed tone. I simply looked up at him then back down at my feet.

~A Little While Later~

"let me clean up your cuts" Joey said as he laid me down on his bed. He settled with keeping me at his house till my cuts and bruises had gone down so my parents wouldn't suspect anything.

"It's going to hurt though" I said shakily

"I'll try my hardest to make sure it doesn't hurt. Just strip down to your bra and underwear and lay flat on the bed while I get the cleasing solution." He instructed as he walked into the bathroom. I did what he said and took off the shorts and shirt he gave me earlier on. I laid flat on the bed and heard his footsteps coming back into the room. I wasn't comfortable laying pretty much naked in front of Joey.

He got on the bed and started with the cuts up on my face

"It'll sting at first but it'll go away I promise" He said keeping his eyes focused on my cuts. I nodded my head and let him start.

"How did you know where to find me?" I finally managed to choke out

"We started at his old trap because that's usually where gangs will take people. We got lucky and you were there along with Drew and his boys." he said "and you don't need to feel embarrassed or shy because you're in your underwear in front of me. You still look gorgeous as ever" He gave me a quick kiss across my lips before returning to dabbing my cuts

"Thanks." I sighed

After about an hour of him cleaning every wound that visabily possibily we were sitting in bed under the covers eating pizza.

"You know, you sounded so different when you walked into the room" I said looking up at him

"I told you that was the other side of me. I was so heated but when I saw you in the corner of that room, I only saw red at first but calmed down when I realized I can't show you that side. It's not a side I'm proud of." He said looking back down at me with his glowing hazel eyes

"I love you for who you are. Whether you have a bad side and a good side. I still love you regardless." I reached up and gave him a kiss right on his chubby cheek.

"I'm glad to hear that. but do you mind me asking what they did to you?"

"I don't mind. I blacked out and while I was blacked out, I guess they all took turns with m-"

"I'm so sorry Kira" He reached over and wrapped me in a tight hug. I ignored the pain and hugged him back.

"It's okay, you got me away from them and that's all I needed." I said against his neck

"I promise, nothing like that will ever happen as long as I'm here" Those words, were just the words I needed to hear.

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