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 Hey Wattpad!

So...I really need some way to vent. Then I think about writing, you know like in a diary.

My mind says " oooo! That's an awesome idea! You can look back at it one day!”

A diary…really??? Do I really want to be THAT GIRL?? The one that secretly writes in her diary alone in her room on a Saturday night and hides it under her pillow? I don’t think so!! So I thought, maybe I can just, you know type on a computer…Writing seems like sooo much work dontcha think?

What?? I’m a teen! Us teens are to be judged!

Anyways…today I was thinking about starting a blog, but then I feel like, what if someone I know sees it? But then I remind myself I barely have friends and they think I have no life…but even that doesn’t motivate me to start a blog…so I thought, since no one I know knows that I have this Wattpad account, so why not? If no one reads this (which is most likely) then it’s alright! I have no idea, but I didn’t mean to sound excited… -.-…

I just want a way to express my feelings some way…but then you’re probably thinking: “Isn’t that what friends are for?” Well yes, yes they are. But you see, I’m not the emotional type of girl that has to tell people everything. When I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I already got a friend like that, and let me tell you, she always has A LOT TO SAY

Anyhoo….what was I gonna say? Oh yeah! So I started this “Life Blog” (or LLOG) on here, which is what you’re reading by the way, and I feel somewhat relieved? I don’t know why…I just do.

So if I feel like venting, then I shall post something on here for no one to read! Well let’s hope it stays that way…..

So bye for now!


So I lied...there's more to say! So I've been waiting to watch the Disney movie Frozen for the longest time, but my friends are all unavailible and it's driving me insane! I want to watch it sooo bad! I've heard it's really good and that just makes me wanna see it more! I envy all the people who have seen it....This obsession is weird because I'm like a tomboy and usually not interested in things like these, but something just intrigues me about it. I swear I'm not insane.

BTW...am I the only one who think Thanksgiving Break is a BREAK? My teachers think otherwise. They think just because my school let's us have a week off, they can pile a whole bunch of projects on us! Not once this week have I actually not done school work!!!!! The worst part is that they're all due on the day we get back!! I swear if I get a bad grade there's gonna be some stabbing action happening! But seriously! Come on!! It's senior year for me! I've got to have some relaxing time!.....sigh....I guess I just have to wait till Christmas break for an actual break....


seriously this time....I've got an essay calling my name to finish it -.-


~ invisible_me296 out

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