Chapter 2:Cody

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It was January the 20th of 2015.

2015 was definitely the worst year of my life.You may be wondering why,and I shall tell you.

Like I said,it was january.And it was very cold..

My parents were very religious,therefor they did not accept.Tattoos,piercing and they were the most homophobic people I had ever met.

I didn't hate my parents,but I didn't like them either.

On that day,the 20th of January.My little brother came out as gay.
My brother was 15,and I was 17.

I told my little brother,Cody.That once I would turn 21 he could be happy,and be himself.He could move with me.

But then later,even though I told my brother not to tell my parents,he did.

My mom looked at my brother with disappointment in her eyes.

My dads reaction was much worse.He grabbed a knife,and said "You aren't my son.You are a monster!"I could see terror in his eyes.Cody was frozen,he couldn't move,he couldn't speak,he just stood there.

I ran as fast as I could,as my dad was lifting the knife higher and higher ready to strike.

My mom just looked away,and pretended like nothing was happening.

Luckily I was close,I took Cody's arm and ran as fast as I could,him right beside me.

By the time we got to Cody's boyfriends house.Cody was breathing heavily and tears were streaming from his eyes like a waterfall.

Cody's boyfriends name was Lucas.And He was a really good guy.I was freezing so I decided to join my brother.We went inside,and there he was.

Lucas could see my brothers teary eyes. Lucas ran over to Cody,and hugged him tight.I could see a tear falling down from Lucas's face too.

"What happened baby?"
He asked,his voice cracking once at the end.
"My parents didn't accept me Lu." Cody had calmed down a little,but he was still shaking a lot,and his voice cracked at every word he said.
"It will be okay baby,you can stay at my place,at least for tonight."
I smiled at Lucas and finally said something

"You better not hurt him Lucas.He is an angel."
Lucas nodded,and replied "I won't."

Lucas kissed Cody's cheek.
And told him how it was going to be okay,and that he would figure out something.

With that I said my goodbyes,and told Cody to call me if he needed anything.I was not going to spend the night at my parents house.

I called my best friend Amanda,and asked her if I could stay the night at her place.

Amanda was 19 so she already had a house.I couldn't afford one in years,but I just had to deal with it.

Going to her place was the worst mistake I made in 2015.

Next chapter I will tell you,what happens in Amanda's house.

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