The Plunge

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Michael plunged into an infinite realm of darkness, sinking into endless oblivion, he convinced himself it was just a dream-like state but everything seemed so real, he fell heavily to a platform, still concealed and blind in the blackness. As he impacted upon the platform, an ethereal, yet piercing light perforated him now; illuminating his reclusive form. His family, friends, and associates seemed to join him, flowing in like ghosts, but alas, they were not joyous or celebratory, but rather seemed like unintentionally aggravated, they ensnared Michael, circling him such as vultures would.

Each of them violently expressed their hatred, disappointment, and disgust in him, small murmurs deformed into an uproarious cacophony and they menacingly came closer to him, their spit soaked him and their words killed him, strangling him into a searing, unbearable pressure. They spoke of his failures, his weaknesses, his ability to drag everybody into his mess, and his frustrating and apathetic ways. They overpowered him, forcing him to the unforgiving floor until he gave in, curling into the foetal position, wishing for end of the tyranny; but his oppressors were incessant, pounding into him verbal assault after assault. Finally they flowed back from whence they came and Michael was left alone in the darkness, engulfed in depression.

* * * * *

"I'm leaving. I won't return. Thanks for everything." Michael stared at the calm waters below his feet, the tranquillity enticed him, juxtaposing the anarchy and turmoil of his mind. The harsh words of his family still haunted him, taunting him to the waters. The rain slashed his youthful face as he bent down to his knees; he let the unforgiving wind sway him. As he collided with the Pacific Ocean, he screamed in horror, the scream abruptly halted as Michael immersed fully; the waters, and the darkness, consumed him.

A year later on the same day, Andrew leapt to his death to join his brother; he severely blamed himself.

Unlike with Michael's death, the world mourned for such a beloved star.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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