Somewhere With You (1)

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When I Close My Eyes

His faced haunts you almost as if his silhouette was imprinted on the back side of your eyelids and every time you close your eyes or blink, you see him. It doesn't matter how much time that has passed since you saw Dan last.

You still remember the day you met him....

It's your graduation day. Your family is coming in late because they just cared so very much about you that they had to be tardy. As you sit in from of the auditorium filled with probably a thousand people, your eye manages to catch your brother's as he waves at you and shuffles your mum, dad and someone else you didn't recognize into the seats reserved for your guests.

After you walk and receive your diploma, you're eager to get out of the hot crowded building. You look around but through all the people you're lost. Suddenly you feel a tap on the shoulder and you turn around. Instead of your brother, you find the same someone you didn't recognize.

"Hi, em. I'm Dan. Your family is looking for you," he motions to your mum and dad across the room as he shuffles his feet and runs his hands through his hair.

You look back to him and ask, "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Dan- I mean. I'm a friend of your brother's," he says. "He just invited me along. I mean. We wanted to get together before he deploys and this was really the only way we could hang out. I wouldn't have come but he said you wouldn't mind."

You realize how rude you must seem and you give a reassuring smile, "Of course not."

You offer a hand and a wave of relief floods his face. He takes your hand and smiles a toothy grin, revealing a crooked tooth.

Your brother is deployed to South Africa so your closest friend seems so distance. But then there is Dan. He quickly becomes a friend, forming a unique relationship.

You move back home with your parents temporarily while you look for work. Even though your Dad seems happy to have you, your mother is a completely different story. Granted your living situation was only temporary, you can't handle living in the same house as your mother while managing to retain sanity. Arguments, verbal abuse, and physical abuse had always plagued your relationship with your mum and it is no different now. Things get so bad one night that when your mother goes ballistic, you call Dan in tears and beg him to come get you. He drives from London to pick you up, and he keeps driving to Dover.

In the car he lets you cry in silence. He has become you closest friend apart from your brother. The truth is Dan is like a brother to you too now.

The hours pass and you find yourself sitting on the beaches of Dover with Dan. It's the early morning hours and he's quiet, but not awkward. As you sniffle he touches your arm trying to evaluate your newly formed bruises from your mom. You pull away and pull your sleeve down to cover them.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

You look up at him and feel like he really cares enough to listen. Once you start pouring out your most vulnerable secrets you can't stop. Tears flow freely and you begin sobbing. He wraps his arms around you and squeezes you tightly making you feel safe. You freely bawl your eyes out into his chest, soaking his grey hoody.

When it suddenly starts raining, Dan helps you up and the two of your run hand in hand back to his car. The two of you get in the back seat and Dan puts his arm around you telling you things will get better soon. Neither of you talk for quite a while before you snuggle up to him and you tell him how much you hate your life.

"I want leave this lonely island behind and go see the world one day. If you ever decide to leave, I'll go somewhere with you," you whisper.

He strokes your hair and says, "If I ever leave I'll take you with me..."

You fall asleep in the backseat in the comfort of your best friend's arms, listening to the waves. The next day Dan doesn't want to take you back, afraid your mother will hurt you again. You finally convince him to drop you off at your house.

"It's completely fine. I'm sure she's realized she was wrong and it won't happen again." You lie, knowing full well it is bound to happen again... and each time it happens again, Dan is right there for you again and again.

  You move out and get a job but don't talk to Dan for several months.

Most friendships require constant tending and attention but Dan and you can go months without talking. When you finally get in touch again, the two of you can pick up right where you left off.

One day he calls you and asks if you want to hang out with him. He takes you to a bar on a rainy Saturday night and surprises you with his musical talent you never knew he had. He plays right there in front of the entire bar's clientele.

Dan's such a sight, playing every instrument known to man in his one man band. He's got a piano with DAN SMiTH printed on the front and next to him he has a variety of instruments he keeps grabbing and using. It's so funny that you laugh at him, regretting it immediately as you notice he suddenly looks self-conscious now. He takes you home and you try to encourage him but you're worried you may have made a horrible mistake by laughing...

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