Chapter 6

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Mamrie and Hannah follow the officer into the hospital after parking the car in the parking lot. They walk through the hospital towards the emergency room where the girl is being checked out. The cop stops suddenly in front of a couple of doors after they walked through a couple others.

"You can wait here. I'll tell them you two are here and when they know more someone will come and tell you about it." Hannah and Mamrie nod. "Good luck."

"Thank you."

The cop walks through the doors and walks into the first door. He closes it behind him again. Mamrie turns to Hannah when the door is closed again.

"We need to tell Chester where we are and what has happened."

"I don't want to tell him. But he deserves to know."

Mamrie opens her bag and searches for her phone. She takes it out and looks up Chester's number. Mamrie looks at Hannah one more time before she presses call.

Chester answers on the first ring.

'Did you find her?'

'Chester we're in the hospital and we might have found her. A woman had an accident with her car at the mall and it looked like Grace's car and the girl is blond too.'

'But you two are not sure yet? What was she doing at the mall?'

'No we're waiting here now until they'll tell us something.'

'I'm coming to the hospital and we can wait together. I'm starting to get crazy here on my own.'

'See you soon Chester.'

Mamrie drops her phone back into her bag. She leans back into the chair and closes her eyes. Mamrie takes a deep breath in and sighs.

"I hope it's not her and just a random girl but the signs aren't in our favor with this one." Hannah yawns.

"I'm afraid that you are right and that is scaring me even more." Mamrie turns to look at Hannah. "I know it's only seven but I'm getting tired."

"Are you hungry? We haven't really ate dinner yet."

"Maybe that's it. Maybe I'm just hungry."

"Stay here I'll pick something up at the restaurant. I'll be right back."

Hannah stands up and leaves Mamrie alone in the waiting room. Time goes by and Chester arrives at the hospital. Mamrie tells him everything they know by now, which isn't much. Hannah joins them again to after a while.

Hannah and Mamrie eat their dinner as they talk with Chester to distract themselves from the terrible thoughts, the bad thoughts about what could have happened to Grace.

A nurse walks into the waiting room.

"I'm looking for the two girls who came with the car crash victim."

Mamrie and Hannah look up and stand up to meet the nurse. Chester stands up to the join them.

"My name is Gabby Jones. We've stabilized her and we've gathered some information from and about her. You can walk with me so we can talk before we go and see her."

"Okay." Mamrie says as Hannah and Chester nod.

Chester, Mamrie and Hannah follow nurse Gabby in complete silence. Nervous about what they are going the hear in a minute and who they were going to hear about. Nurse Gabby opens a door and they all walk into a little room.

"You can sit down over there while I pick up some stuff. I'll be back in a minute."

She leaves the room again and the three of them sit down. Hannah is fiddling with her fingers and biting her lip nervously, Mamrie picks up her phone again and starts scrolling while Chester just stares at the desk in front of him.

It's complicatedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat