Chapter 7: The Start of a Beautiful Friendship

Start from the beginning

"Are you all right?" You asked John.

"Yes of course I'm all right." John replied.

"Well, you have just killed a man." Sherlock said.

"Yes, I...." John trails off as you and Sherlock look at him, closely.

"That's true, innit?" He asked as he smiles. You two keep looking at him.

"But he wasn't a very nice man." John stated.

"No. No, he really wasn't really, was he?" Sherlock said.

"And frankly a bloody awful cabbie." said John and you and Sherlock start to chuckle at this and the three of you start to walk. "That's true. He was a bad cabbie. Should have seen the route he took us to get here!" Sherlock said and you and John giggle, and Sherlock smiles.

"Stop! Stop, we can't giggle, it's a crime scene! Stop it!" John said to you two quietly, trying to stifle his laugh.

"You're the one who shot him. Don't blame me." Sherlock muttered.

"Keep your voice down!" You said to Sherlock as you three past Donovan, who was staring at the three of you. "Sorry, it's just, um, nerves, I think." John said to her as you and Sherlock muttered a "Sorry" as well.

"You were gonna take that damned pill, weren't you?" You asked Sherlock when you were out of earshot. "Course I wasn't. Biding my time. Knew you two would turn up." Sherlock replied.

"No you didn't. It's how you get your kicks, isn't it? You risk your life to prove you're clever." John said.

"Why would I do that?" Sherlock asked.

"Because you're an idiot." You and John said, in unison.
Sherlock smiled at the two of you. He's delighted that he found you two because you and John understand him and don't care about his behavior.

"Dinner?" He asked, looking between you two.

"Starving." John said as you nodded.

"End of Baker Street, there's good Chinese stays open til two. You can always tell a good Chinese by examining the bottom third handle..." Sherlock said but John looks over and sees a man he recognized.

He taps your shoulder and you stop as you grab Sherlock's arm. "Sherlock, (y/n). That's him. That's the man I was talking to you two about." John said. You look over and see him coming towards you and the boys. "I know exactly who that is." Sherlock said as you nodded.

You and Sherlock walk closer to Mycroft as he speaks. "So, another case cracked. How very public spirited....though that's never really your motivation, is it?"

"What are you doing here?" You asked as all of you stopped in your tracks and you fold your arms across your chest.

"As ever I'm concerned about him." said Mycroft.

"Yes, I've been hearing about your 'concern'." Sherlock replied, aggressively.

"Always so aggressive. Did it never occur to you two that we belong on the same side?" Mycroft asked.

"Oddly enough, no." Sherlock replied.

"We have more in common than you like to believe. This petty feud between us is simply childish. People will suffer..." He said, dramatically, and he glares over at Sherlock. "And you know how it always upset Mummy."

You rolled your eyes as John frowns at this while Sherlock looks at Mycroft in disbelief. "I upset her? Me? It wasn't me that upset her, Mycroft." Sherlock argued.

"No, no, wait. Mummy? Who's Mummy?" John asked.

"Their mother, John." You said and you place an arm around John and held out your hand towards Mycroft. "This man here, my dear Watson, is Sherlock's brother, Mycroft." John stares at Mycroft in amazement as Sherlock asked "Putting on weight again?"

"Losing it, in fact." stated Mycroft.

"He's your brother?" John asked Sherlock.

"Of course he's my brother." Sherlock stated. You look over at John and asked "Did you think he was a criminal mastermind?" John nodded and you chuckled. "Don't worry, when I first met him I thought so too." You said.

"It's close enough." Sherlock muttered.

"For goodness' sake, I occupy a minor position in the British government." Mycroft stated.

"He is the British government, when he's not too busy being the British Secret Service or the CIA on freelance basis." Sherlock said. "Good evening, Mycroft. Try not to start a war before we get home. You know what it does for the traffic."

And the two of you walked away as John stays behind and talks to Mycroft for a bit.

Finally, John catches up with you two. And the three of you head off to get something to eat and you can't help but think: what other adventures you and the boys are gonna get into next?


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