All Eyes||Chapter Fourteen

Start from the beginning

A brown carton box was in between her small palms.

And I couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corners of my lips as I nodded my head for her to walk in.

She bounced with excitement as she took a seat across from me on my bed.

Her white dress mending in with my white comforter and covers that laid carelessly around the mattress.

Without uttering a word, she pushed the mysterious box on my laps, lifting her feet up and crossing her legs on the bed.

Not a second her smile did waver,

Her eyes shining up at me with excitement,

With love,

With happiness.

I let out a chuckle when I noticed what was in the box, looking up at her with furrowed eyebrows,  I asked:

"What are you doing with mum's old cassette tapes collection?" she let out a laugh as she straightened her self up a bit.

"I stuck behind every tape a few pictures of ours that relates to the song, instead of the photo album classic idea y'know, so we can remember what happened in the picture more vividly," she smiled up at me, and I bit my lip, my fingers gripping tighter around the box and my breathing caught in my throat.

After a few seconds of me staring at the box, Darcy asked, uncertainty latching onto her voice:

"Do it? I thought you would, I mean if you don't that's fine I-" I let out a laugh, catching her off guards and watching as she stared up at me with wide light brown eyes.

"I love it, this is definitely much cooler than the photo album," a grin broke across her face and she clapped her hands together excitingly, throwing her arms around my neck in a quick hug.

"Happy sweet sixteen," she nodded her head at me, walking out of my room, her dress floating around her like white clouds.

And I felt my cheeks hurt from how much I was grinning.

I let out a breath as I looked down at the box resting in between my legs.

It's brown, stained colour staring back at me, and I breathed out a sigh.

My fingers gripped the top tightly, before I opened it slowly, my palms already sweaty.

I had separated the tapes from the pictures and forgot to put them back together.

I don't even remember the last time I opened that box.

After my sixteenth birthday I started getting all my...sick in the head attitude.

I bit down my lip, hard, as I felt my way inside the box, my hand reaching the stack of pictures and clutching on them tightly before I let out another breath, getting them out and placing the box away.

The first picture that greeted me was one of my face when I was around ten, Darcy's small arms wrapped around my neck and her legs warped tightly around my torso as we both craned our necks to smile at the camera.

Mum had insisted we take this picture of us when I was giving Darcy a piggy ride around our backyard.

My eyes trained on her small figure up my back as I clutched the picture tightly in my grip .

She was staring at me with her light brown eyes,

Her haunting eyes.

Her smile twisting my insides slowly, and I could feel the knot in my stomach about to snap at any moment.

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