The Order ~ Chapter 7

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        I got a call from Peoria in the middle of a battle in 'Xenoblade Chronicles.' I pause the game and pick up the phone.

"Can I ask you to do something for me?"

"I guess?"

"Great! Since I'm not going to be at school tomorrow, I need you to check on someone for me. Name's Atero. He should be meeting me by our owl statue in the cafeteria. Tell him you're here for me, and phone back to me what he says." She hung up.

Apparently, she doesn't know how to properly end a conversation. Not even a thanks... No matter, now, METAL FACE!!!


Sitting on the ledge that our mascot, Aegis, I open my notebook I've been holding in my hands and I sketch a feather. It's been a heavy thought on my mind lately, about freedom and flight.

I hear the dull thud of a ball hit the wall, and pounding feet run away. I figured that the kid Peoria wanted me to meet would have time after school, so I brought my school work with me.

A dull roar fills the outside area of the cafeteria as the Talents beat and dribble their respective sports equipment down the large courtyard. I look to the window that shows the courtyard and see the basketball Talent try and make a full-court shot. Looking around, one of the Talents seem to be missing.

"Catch!" I hear someone yell as a soccer ball comes flying to my face, and I can hear it whistle, before it collides with my face with enough momentum to knock over a truck. I'm pushed off the ledge and the ball comes with me, glued to my face.

I hear someone chant, "GOAL!" and the clap of a high five.

"Go home, Tino. I'll talk to her myself." The dull thud of feet pounding fills the nearby hallway.

Slowly, the suction of the ball comes off my face. The kicker of said ball walks over to me, kneels down and grabs the ball. He stands back up and offers me a hand up.

"You must be the kid Peoria sent," I got up and nodded. "Your name, kid. What is it?"

"I'm not a child." He twirls the soccer ball on his finger.

"Does it matter? Name."

I sigh, "Deia. You must be Atero, right?"

"Yup. I'd like to make this short. Tell the rotten queen I'm fine, and I really don't need her help anymore." Alright then mister snob.

He kicks the ball down the hallway and chases it out of the perimeter. Peoria did say call her when he came by, but I'd rather get home.

I pick up my book and pencil, place them in my bag and head off. I feel a vibration in the bottom of my bag. Reaching into my best attempt at a Mary Poppins infinity bag, I grasp for my phone as it's buzz of doom plays.

I look at the screen, displaying a familiar number. "Hello?"

"So, he wasn't to happy to see you, huh?" It would be nice if she could just say hello.

"Not exactly." She sighs into the microphone,

"It's not the worst reaction from him I've seen." But you weren't here...

"Why did you have me do this? He clearly doesn't want your assistance anymore."

"Oh he does, he just doesn't admit it. He comes to me for help instead of his sister. Doesn't want to make her lose sight of his protective image."

"Protective image?"

"Yeah, he's the strong one in the family. He wants to make sure that his sister and brother can look at him and say 'I'm glad you were here.'"

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