The Favour ~ Chapter 9

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" I need a favour." Luka's voice comes through the phone. It's 2 a.m., and it's light raining. Shoulda guessed since the heavy overcast yesterday. I've been up for hours playing 'Dark Souls', or rather, dying 'Dark Souls', but I haven't spoken since I said good had head down and grabbed my plate for dinner. Cara wasn't home, 'cause she was studying or something, so Ashi had made everyone grilled cheese sandwiches. I had said "Thanks." and returned back to my room. The plates still on my desk with my finally finished English paper. That took way longer than it should have, but I got it done, and my reward was just major frustration with this game. I wanna play something new, but I've only two pounds, a few pence and a fake pearl I'd picked up when I travelling here.

My voice crackly, "I'm sorry?" "I need a favour." I put down the controller, "Explain, Luka." "I need you to take my place tomorrow." 'YOU DIED' shows up on the screen, " Dammit!" "Sorry." I was focusing more on the game rather than Luka, so I had almost forgotten he was on the phone. "Uh, about that..." "I'll ask someone else then?" I shake my head, "No, I'll try. If I can't pull it off, then I'll ask my friend who is in the acting business." "Really? Thanks."

I stare at my screen once more, with its red letters brazening my loss. "Why?" A pause, "I... Just need a day to be alone with my thoughts." Odd, coming from him. "What's in it for me?" I hear him grumble, "Um, well. Good question, well presented. How to figurines strike your fancy?" I squeal a little on the inside. I would collect them if I had the money, once again, the fake pearl... "Who is up for grabs?" "Come over and pick two." It's an offer I simply can't refuse. "I'll do my best then. If I can't do it, and my friend does?" "One figurine." "It's a deal then."

I hang up, and pick up the controller, "I died again..." I mumble as I turn it off. I get up and look through my closet. To pull it off, I'd need a simple t-shirt, baggy jeans and a lot of makeup and bandages. I search for my emergency first-aid box, which is hidden in an old shoe box. I bring it to my desk, where my mirror and makeup already are. I look for a t-shirt. The one I find is an old skiing team shirt from a cousin. Funny that I don't have a single pair of jeans to my name. Where would I be able to find jeans at 2 am? I got out of my room to knock on the door that is across from mine. I hear someone utter from inside the room, "What do you want...?" Mideli. Great, she has to have some jeans I could steal for a day. "Hey, Mideli. Do you happen to have a pair of loose jeans I could borrow?"

She opens the door slightly, popping her head out, with it still wet and in the process of being dyed. There seems to be a comb stuck in it. "No." I point to a pair I can see from the creak in the door, "What 'bout those?" She violently shook her head, "No chance. They are stained from dye and a few other things. They aren't clean. " She proceeded to shut the door. So, that's a no on jeans... Khakis? No, wouldn't wear those... I think I'm stuck...

Meh, it's worth losing a figure. I'll call Peoria and see if she can do the role. Actress test! I walk back to my room and twist the doorknob. It groans and creaks as I put pressure on it to open it. Someone needs to WD-40 these doors and stuff. Flopping onto my bed and reaching for my bag, I see that my game had returned to the PS4 home menu. I was gone for at max, two minutes PlayStation. It's not like I've been gone since the apocalypse. Is my phone even in my bag? Must be, I never took it out, did I?

I hear my phone buzz from across the room. I put it to charge, figures... I jump off the bed and walk to the charger, taking my phone away from it. I turn it on, and it flashes me straight in the eyes. Seems I forgot to turn down the brightness before setting it to charge. It was just a Pinterest notification. Figures. Anyways, I pull up the dial and call Peoria. The phone rings, once, twice. She picks up on the third ring.

"Hey, Peoria?" I hear her yawn, and something falls to the ground in the distance, as the sound of metal clangs to the tile of the hospital. "What was that?" Mumbling comes through, followed by the sound of a creaky push-cart passing by. "Nothing, I think. Odd."

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