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"When are we gonna meet for real?"
"You know the fountain by Starbucks? Meet me there tomorrow after school."
"Ok..will you be wearing a mask?"
"That's for you to find out."
Phil sighed. James was so amazing but so frustrating at the same time.
He couldn't comprehend it. They've danced together, stayed up all night talking to each other, even started dating and not once has James shown his face. It was so bad the James even referred to his eyes as a "strip tease."
He put his phone down. School wasn't easy anymore. After the dance, people laughed at him for being gay and called him fag when he walked by them.
Phil's phone buzzed.
New tweet by Dan Howell:
aye anyone in manchester cause ima have an anon meet and greet ;) also @ Phil Lester your boyfriend gave me a message for you so talk to me 

Holy crap. James got thee DAN HOWELL to tweet me. omfg I'm going to explode!

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