Chap 9 : Insert Madness

Start from the beginning

A simple nightmare.

He was scared. That's right. The usual stoic and basically strong samurai was scared. The last time that he was scared like this was years ago but his fear had simply been brought back to life. He had wanted to die. He had wanted to find someone.

He weak turned to the side passively finding Lenalee unconscious and he understood feeling cold sweat break out on the surface of his skin. He forcefully gulped.

He didn't have stoic fears apart from the worry of a lotus flower losing its petals and sinking into the mud but now he was scared. For that very reason.

A lotus was delicate and would bloom at a special time. It was rare to see. But when it would die it petal and seeds would sink into the mud. A bright, pure (and one of the few things he dare say beautiful) flower could become tainted and Like the few people that had scared him. They always started off as pure and bright, always smiling. Then they just broke. Those were the few things that scared him the most. Unpredictable hippies. When they would become foul in soil losing their previous purity and replacing it with so much darkness.

No matter what anyone would think the most scariest things to him was people who would suddenly change from innocent as they would become sick in the mind where they would believe in something that sometimes made sense but was disturbing at how evil that persons sense of 'direction' could become.

It was one of the few things that he could admit scared him but with Allen it scared him even more.

It was like that person. And that's what pissed him off even more.

That was why he hated people who smiled too much.

They could easily become contaminated and become


Everything was easily considered as a dream with how reality felt hazy. The last couple of days were all hazy and blurred yet at the same time bright and clear. It was indeed humorous.

Allen gave an exhausted yawn preoccupying the thought of falling. No he wasn't falling, his heart felt like it was though. He was just confused. Was alright for him to be feeling like this at a time where he should be feeling grief. Allen gave a yawn just managing to shake of that deep tiring feeling. What made it more ironic was that he was already asleep. More like unconscious. He was just in his 'dream world' as Neah liked to call it.

He was in fact seated on that twisted 'throne' and chained just like the last time that he was there. The only difference was that he wasn't in anyway scared or worried. In fact, he didn't care which meant that he already lost an important part of his soul which held the will to live.

Nothing seemed to matter anymore. Truth be, if Neah was planning on taking over his body then the way to start would have basically been to destroy that crucial part. Still, he didn't believe that the Noah was lying when he said that he wasn't interested in taking over him. Why? Well, would someone who had such a good opportunity be bothered with asking how it's supposed host was? And trying to mend his broken soul instead of trying to break it even more. Instead the Noah was seemingly trying to calm him down and cheer him up.

And it was working.

He honestly felt better, better than when he was awake anyway.

Still, he was curious about why but he would suffice. He might as well enjoy the last few…days or weeks left of his life.


"Hmmm?" Allen looked up from looking at the pebbles that were remotely by his feat and he just stared at the Noah. It was still weird looking at him but just like before he was getting used to it. Just barely. It did still make him slightly nauseous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2012 ⏰

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