Chap 3 : Crystal Revelation

Start from the beginning

Black smoke began to emit from his body and formed a familiar shadow over him as the clear water began to seep in to his mouth and nose. By the rate the water was flowing he was going to suffocate. His eyes that were lifeless looked like they flickered then something Black covered his irises before completely disappearing with no trace. Then he twitched. A sudden loud gasp for oxygen echoed through the small room rippling the water across the floor and then coughing followed. His nose and fingers began to started twitch and his heart that was lifeless began to beat again. His hands scratched at the floor and he struggled for air. By reflex he pushed himself off the ground choking .His skin that was pale regained its light complexion and his eyes opened with panic to show him the water that had covered half of his face. He tried to stand up but his legs gave way making him plummet back to the ground. His mouth felt heavy and his is skin cold with his vision became blurry. Tears escaped his lifeless eyes.

"Where am I? What happened? Still confused his memory shattered at that moment. He felt blank. What just happened. The eerie feeling still hung inside him. Did the 14th now fully awaken?

That question brought forth the answer. That dream.

Unable to stand up he sat there for some time just reflecting on the situation at hand. He could feel the cold water stream from his damp hair to his face. His face suddenly felt slightly warmer as some 'water' streamed down. Finding new strength he wiped away his tears and forced himself to stand up He walked silently listening to the water rippling beneath his feet. All his senses felt enhanced for some reason.

A certain splash caught his eye and he stared at the water that had formed red ripples in them. Allen's jaw clenched. He tensed when he reached the mirror. The tap was still running and out of instinct he switched it of while consciously stared into his reflection. The 'water' that streamed down his face scared him. He was still dizzy and dazed but he could still clearly understand.

"I'll never let you have control of me" He whispered wiping away the blood then walked out of the bathroom ignoring the small flood in the room.

"I will stop you before anything else".

Chaoji ran into the cafeteria noticing that there was an unusual feeling in the air. Everyone was staring in one direction, even while eating. When he spotted Lenalee Lee he smiled sadly.

"Anita Sama" Spotting a familiar hairstyle he felt slightly confused by the colour of it. Maybe he was seeing things.

"S-sorry I'm late, is that?" He questioned staring at the finder just like everyone else in the room. He could understand why everyone was now frozen in place.

Lavi laughed silently as he noticed Chaoji crash into the room. His smile quickly vanished though, as looked back into a side of the hall calmly observing a brown haired finder talking cheerfully to Lenalee while she was desperately trying to listen despite the awkwardness.

"This is messed up" He muttered and even from across the room Kanda silently agreed.

"Can't argue with you there."

Lenalee continued looking round the room for Allen while still feeling slightly worried. She sighed loud enough for everyone to here before another smile graced her face. As fake as she and everybody, apart from Antonio, knew.

"I'm going to look for a friend." she smiled jumping up and walking quickly before anyone could grab her into another conversation. Being around the new finder without seeing Allen was an uncomfortable feeling for her because it felt like he was just there to distract or replace Allen while he could have been captured by the order for 'information'. It scared her. Who wouldn't be scared.

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